Health & Medical Men's Health

Easy Ways to Last Longer in Bed (For Men)

If you want to learn how to prevent premature ejaculation and last longer in bed, without using drugs or other artificial methods, then you need to learn how to read your body.
Your body will give you signals right when you're about to ejaculate and if you can pull back during that moment you will last longer.
Every man knows that to be a successful sex partner, he must have a combination of arousal and stamina.
It becomes a problem if the man becomes too aroused because then sexual activity will be cut short.
This leads to a less than satisfying experience for his partner.
But at the same time the man doesn't want to sacrifice pleasure either.
Fortunately, there are certain things that you can do that will help you last longer and maintain pleasure as well.
You will want to experiment with different techniques to find which one will work the best for you.
One of the most traditional and oldest ways for men to last longer in bed is taking their mind off stimulation with list recitals.
It is hard for man to last a long time if he is too much in the moment and/or overeager.
Either one of these mind states is a sure way to experience premature ejaculation.
One thing that is helpful is to think about other things as this will slow your mind down.
And nothing is better than reciting a list in your head.
You may have in fact heard of the method of reciting a baseball list.
You would think of baseball teams, the players and stats associated with the team.
It doesn't have to be baseball; you can apply a list with any topic that you want.
You can think of the list of Super Bowl or Olympics winners, the 50 US states or of movies that begin with each letter in the alphabet.
The point is not to spend too much time thinking about the lists, the point is simply to calm down your nerves and clear your mind.
For some men, they prefer to clear their mind completely.
You can decide which method works best for you.
If you feel yourself getting too worked up, you can concentrate more on foreplay than intercourse.
Simply take a break with a form of foreplay.
When the strong sensations have decreased and your control has come back then you can go back into intercourse.
This works especially well for women because for them it makes lovemaking more special.
You can also experience by changing positions.
This will be good for you when one position feels too good.
You can simply try another one.
Just be sure that you talk to your partner and be sure that they are satisfied with the new position that you chose.
Finally, you can work on building your stamina with masturbation.
This is one the quickest and easiest ways to teach yourself how last longer in bed.
As soon as you feel that you're about to climax, stop and wait for a few seconds.
When the moment has passed, then you can resume.
This will teach your mind and body how to control orgasms.
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