Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

The Ugly Signs Of Diabetes And Its Symptoms

There are a growing number of people with diabetes.  Diabetes is a condition in which the glucose levels within the blood are abnormally high; yet the glucose levels within the cells are not high enough.  There are two types of diabetes, Type I is when there is not enough insulin within the body, while Type II is when the body is resisting the insulin. 

Unfortunately there are signs of this disease that often go unnoticed due to their subtle nature.  Signs of diabetes are commonly mistaken for a number of other conditions, issues, or other environmental factors surrounding the body.  The most common is an unexplainable, but significant drop in weight.  Though it is easier to notice in those with Type I, unexplained weight lose is a sign of a serious diabetic problem.  This sign means that your body is breaking down both fat and muscle tissue in order to search for energy.   A less noticeable sign is constant thirst, combined with frequent urination.  This sign is often blamed on weather, exercise, or a host of other things.  Yet it may be a sign of diabetes, meaning that in the search for energy and insulin your body is pulling the extra water from the blood, causing a feeling of dehydration and creating frequent and urgent trips to the restroom.  The last sign the disease is weakness or consistent fatigue.  This sign is commonly confused for other things; so, it important to track how often you feel this fatigue and for how long.  In elderly persons, this sign should not be ignored. 

Though the signs of diabetes often go unrecognized, the symptoms are a little easier to spot.  Diabetic symptoms are a clear indicator that you need to see a physician.  One of the most common diabetes-symptom is when the hands, legs, or feet experience either tingling or numbness.  Officially called neuropathy, this symptom usually improves once your diabetes is under control.  This particular symptom is caused by the glucose levels in the blood attacking the nervous system. 

If, you begin to, notice that you are becoming more prone to vaginal or bladder infections or infections or irritations of the skin, you should see a physician.  Obtaining this type of infection on a frequent or uncommonly regular basis is another symptom of diabetes.  However, this diabetic symptom will take good judgment on your part to distinguish between what is normal versus more frequent.  If you are unsure, you should contact a physician. 

The final, most common symptom is blurred vision.  Though it may seem a bit less serious than other symptoms, blurred vision often hints at a real diabetes concern and should never be ignored.  Blurred vision, in those with diabetes, is caused by varying levels of glucose and will usually decrease once glucose levels are controlled.  Since this particular symptom can lead to a coma if left untreated, it is taken very seriously by physicians and should be quickly addressed by the individual suffering from this symptom. 

The signs and symptoms of diabetes should be taken seriously, and if there is a family history of diabetes, you should contact a physician as soon as possible. 
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