So you thought it was your mom's fault..
Don't buy in the myth that your receding hairlineis caused by your mom's side of the family, it's simply not true..
Medical science now knows that baldness comes from both sides of the family.
But there is not just one single cause for baldness, there are five common causes for hair-loss.
1) Disease - loss of hair may occur as part of underlying diseases such as diabetes or lupus.
Losing your hair maybe early signs of these diseases and a warning sign to seek treatment to determine the causes.
2) Medication - Hair loss can be contributed to some medications that are being taken such as: blood thinners, antidepressants, medicines used in chemotherapy and gout.
Usuallythis cause of hair loss is temporary and hair begins to grow back once medication is no longer taken.
3) Chemicals - hair relaxers are very strong and breaks the hair internally.
Hair coloring - which is already considered a health risk because of it's ingredients PPD and Lead Acetate.
Over-processing the hair using these harmful chemicals is one of the major reasons for hair loss.
4) Depression - although depression itself may or may not cause loss of hair, the treatment for depression maybe the culprit.
Some antidepressants have noted that a side effect is hair-loss.
5) Stress - hair loss caused by stress usually occurs after severe stress such as surgery or illness..
This is referred to as telegen effluvium and may take as long as six to twelve months to reverse..
the stress of a pregnancy can cause hair loss because of the imbalanced hormone levels and the lowered protection levels.
So mom is not the cause of hair-loss, find out the cause of your problem, then look for the best solutions to grow your hair back now.
Don't buy in the myth that your receding hairlineis caused by your mom's side of the family, it's simply not true..
Medical science now knows that baldness comes from both sides of the family.
But there is not just one single cause for baldness, there are five common causes for hair-loss.
1) Disease - loss of hair may occur as part of underlying diseases such as diabetes or lupus.
Losing your hair maybe early signs of these diseases and a warning sign to seek treatment to determine the causes.
2) Medication - Hair loss can be contributed to some medications that are being taken such as: blood thinners, antidepressants, medicines used in chemotherapy and gout.
Usuallythis cause of hair loss is temporary and hair begins to grow back once medication is no longer taken.
3) Chemicals - hair relaxers are very strong and breaks the hair internally.
Hair coloring - which is already considered a health risk because of it's ingredients PPD and Lead Acetate.
Over-processing the hair using these harmful chemicals is one of the major reasons for hair loss.
4) Depression - although depression itself may or may not cause loss of hair, the treatment for depression maybe the culprit.
Some antidepressants have noted that a side effect is hair-loss.
5) Stress - hair loss caused by stress usually occurs after severe stress such as surgery or illness..
This is referred to as telegen effluvium and may take as long as six to twelve months to reverse..
the stress of a pregnancy can cause hair loss because of the imbalanced hormone levels and the lowered protection levels.
So mom is not the cause of hair-loss, find out the cause of your problem, then look for the best solutions to grow your hair back now.