- There are two main types: strawberry, and cavernous hemangioma. The strawberry type is mild and resembles a rash, while the cavernous type is more of a reddened cyst.
- Almost a third of all hemangioma cases present themselves at birth. The rest typically occur within the first few months of life.
- Hemangioma is simply an abnormal buildup of blood vessels in a certain part of the skin. This can present itself as a small spot or a larger bump or tumor.
- Hemangioma usually clears up on its own. Half of all cases clear up by the age of 5, while 90 percent clear up by age 9.
- Sometimes, if a cavernous hemangioma tumor occurs on the eyelid or in an area that can cause breathing problems, doctors must treat it with either steroid injections or laser treatment.
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