Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Unhappy With Your Breast Augmentation Results? What to Do

The last thing you want is to have a breast augmentation procedure and be unhappy with the results.
The best way to ensure that you will be pleased with the decision you make to have this operation is to have a detailed talk with the cosmetic surgeon.
It is essential that you have a clear-cut idea of what to expect from the operation.
You want to be realistic about what getting implants will do for you.
But what if, despite having realistic expectations and a lengthy conversation with the operating surgeon, you still end up with a poor result? If you are faced with a result that does not make you happy, consult with the cosmetic surgeon who did your breast augmentation and ask to have a breast revision operation.
What the doctor will do is either take the implants out of your body, replace the ones you have, or reposition them.
Always discuss the results with the doctor.
Do not sit at home and pace the floor and fume about how your body looks now.
If the surgical procedure has left you feeling let down and anything but enthusiastic, call up the surgeon's office and make an appointment to speak with him.
You need to keep in mind that a reasonable span of time needs to elapse following surgery for the swelling and edema to go away.
Before they do, you should not jump to any conclusions regarding the outcome of the operation.
Be aware that poor results and complications that occur postoperatively that necessitate having a revision procedure, are not the same.
When breast augmentation is done, the board certified cosmetic surgeon who does the work, also has the experience, skills and judgement to place the implants in the appropriate areas.
It is important to be aware that even when the plastic surgeon does everything right, patients can still experience complications immediately after the operation has been performed.
These problems could lead to bleeding and possibly, infection.
The physician might need to remove the implant as a result.
It is also possible that a secondary surgery for scar tissue formation will need to be done later on in the future.
A poor result with breast augmentation does not necessarily translate into negligence by the doctor.
Speak to your surgeon about the results and your concerns surrounding them.
If you do not get your questions answered to your satisfaction, seek out another cosmetic doctor for repair of the breast augmentation procedure.
The best case scenario though is to get the result that you want from the beginning by keeping the lines of communication open with the plastic doctor.
Talk about the devices that will be placed into your breasts, as well as the various procedures that could be used and any concerns you have about postoperative care.
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