Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How Article Marketing Automation Can Improve Your Search Engine Ranking and Sales

What is marketing automation? Well let's start from the basics; internet marketing is the marketing of different products and services across the world wide web.
What's good about this method is that it greatly reduces cost, and the advertising coverage, or exposure within the internet is to such an extent, that the possibilities for sales are endless.
In fact the internet truly is a global market, so products and services marketed online, really do have an added edge over more traditional forms of sales.
While article marketing automation is a derivative of article marketing, which is a type, or form of internet marketing whereupon an array of products and services are promoted, or discussed about, within selected informative articles which are then posted online.
Methods of delivery can vary from a testimonial type of article, or a review type of article, to more general knowledge.
Articles have been used by advertisers to make their products known, for a considerable period of time.
Even traditional print media such as newspapers, books, magazines have had their fair share of using articles that advertise different products and services.
But it is the advent of the internet, that has truly made this marketing strategy a worthy asset, and article marketing has now evolved, and made its way online, to become one of the more dominant ways of promoting ones own products and services, and for a relatively low operating cost too.
There are many different ways of submitting your articles.
You can do a manual submission to online article directories, basically you do this yourself, and by hand.
Although this can be quite time consuming, since you need to login, input your credentials on each, and every article directory and then submit your articles, along with your resource boxes too.
Alternatively you can outsource, or have someone else do your article submissions, yet, over time this may become very costly, and reduce your own profit margins.
While the current, and latest trend nowadays is article marketing automation! Article marketing automation is a very fast, productive, and, cost effective way to submit numerous articles to all the different article directories online.
As mentioned earlier, the more traditional method, was just manually submitting the articles, but this has proved to be very time consuming, and takes a lot longer to see effective results.
Yet article marketing automation.
As the name implies, is an automated and rapid process.
Meaning; you do not need to manually submit your articles to various article directories anymore.
You may be wondering just how article marketing automation will help you with your submission needs.
The answer is easy.
By using this tool, articles submitted will quickly and in some instances automatically appear within article directories.
And since everything is automated, errors, and mistakes are eliminated too! Some great features of article marketing automation is that the articles that are due to be submitted can now have numerous titles, or even alternative resource boxes.
This will help to reduce the duplicate content phenomena! And spinning is another technique employed within article marketing automation where the article, or part of it will be rewritten, either manually, or automatically.
In article marketing automation, spinning is often done automatically.
Though there is sometimes a drawback in spinning.
As articles that have undergone spinning sometimes do not have the same intention, or meaning that the original article had.
To give you a better more holistic picture of article marketing automation, is that, it greatly improves productivity, lowers your cost.
And, not only creates a better overall awareness of your products and services, but it can also improve your own website search engine ranking, by helping to establish web authority, and creating numerous backlinks to your website too.
It's those all important links that count these days, and that can interlink the articles, and the websites to one another.
Using this "secret" backlinks method, dramatically improves search engine ranking, pagerank, increases web traffic, and, your sales too! Another great feature of article marketing automation is support for grouping of article directory sites by niche.
This means that you can set a specific genre that your submitted articles can appear on.
This is very important because having a specific genre can make you focus more on the topic.
You can write more detailed and informative contents.
This leads to greater readership, which means more targeted traffic too.
Then the improvement on search engine ranking within search engines only means one thing...
improved sales.
Sites being placed on top of the other or ranked higher than other would generally receive more exposure, thus more traffic is generated to that specific site or blog.
Why not see an example of article marketing automation yourself, and how it can work for you? On the website you will find citations that article marketing automation really does work in helping to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site, and therefore increasing its ranking on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, etc.
see for yourself? The site emphasizes on the value of time saved within this type of online marketing.
Instead of spending most of your time on uploading your articles on different article directories, why not devote your time instead to something more useful and productive.
The time you save can even be used for you to write more articles.
This is really the essence of article writing.
There's heaps of tips, help and advice too.
Learn them, and try to incorporate each one in your own business strategies.
Surely there is no harm in trying...
take a look and see...
By using article marketing automation you will find a great deal of things that are helpful to your business.
And once you start automating your work, you can really see the domino effect! You start with good articles, fast and efficient submissions, to various article directories, leading to more web exposure, thus increased traffic, which results in improved sales! Article marketing automation really works...
try it for yourself and see today?
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