- 1). Obtain church financial information. Contact the church pastor and treasurer for church income, expense, debts and other foreseeable income or expense information. Get the bank account statements of the past 12 months to track various cash inflows and outflows history. Collect prior years' budgets, if available.
- 2). Write down sources of income of the church of the current year and predict any percentage increase of the church income of the following year. Sources of income includes Sunday offerings, donations, fundraising funds and other interest incomes that your church collects. Go to the church bank statements of the previous year and check if the church receives any special income this year. If the church will continue receive it the following year, include that item in your outline. Be realistic and conservative.
- 3). List all current and foreseeable expense categories of the church. Similarly, track all current expense of the church this fiscal year. Regular operating expenses include personnel, utilities, janitorial and any fixed outreach ministry expense. Some operating expense items vary based on different programming of the church. Financing expenses include mortgage and interest payments. Include all fixed tax and insurance payments. Determine any increase in these expenditures, both fixed and variable costs, of the following year. List all future miscellaneous financial obligations of the church.