I am an avid Dave Ramsey listener. I purchased an online membership, which gave me access to the forums and folks trying to get out of debt like me. But what I really wanted was the downloads of all three hours of his show. I don't listen to three hours of Dave a day, so I have a backlog right now, so instead of renewing, I am utilizing the free podcast of an hour each day. I listen so much that 99% of the time, I know what his answer will be before he gives it. So why do I keep listening?
When I started out on this "crazy" debt-free plan, I didn't know what, exactly, to do. I read all of Dave's books, but then real life examples kept jumping up. When I listened to his radio show, I heard those examples over and over again. So when I got started, I listened just so I could learn what to do. Sometimes I hit a snag and I'm not sure what to do. So I call Dave in my mind (and sometimes, folks, I even say it out loud). After walking through the scenario like I would on the air, I almost always know what Dave's response would be. Or, at least, I think I know. Listening repeatedly has helped me fully integrate the system into my mind - and since I like what Dave teaches, this is a good thing.
But now, I could probably stop and get the same result. So why keep on? Because I need the support. I love Fridays, when someone calls in to scream "We're debt free!" I think about how I will feel when I make that fateful call. I love when someone calls in and says, "We're on step 6, so what do we do?" They tell us how they got there and are trying to figure out how to invest their money. My heart aches to join them. And sometimes you hear situations so similar to yours that it is scary. Not long ago, I was considering selling our house because we are a little over Dave's 25% rule. A man called with essentially the same income and the same house payment, and Dave didn't tell him to sell. Relief! Other times, folks have called in to ask questions about teaching their young children, and I have listened in avid interest.
I'm not encouraging you to run out and purchase an online membership, but I will encourage you to find the radio station in your area Dave is on, or to listen to the podcast. Even if you know every step to take, hearing it over and over again can really help you on your journey. When your friends and family think you're nuts, you can listen to the show and know that you are not the only "weird" person out there. It brings hope that you and your family can change for the better.
When I started out on this "crazy" debt-free plan, I didn't know what, exactly, to do. I read all of Dave's books, but then real life examples kept jumping up. When I listened to his radio show, I heard those examples over and over again. So when I got started, I listened just so I could learn what to do. Sometimes I hit a snag and I'm not sure what to do. So I call Dave in my mind (and sometimes, folks, I even say it out loud). After walking through the scenario like I would on the air, I almost always know what Dave's response would be. Or, at least, I think I know. Listening repeatedly has helped me fully integrate the system into my mind - and since I like what Dave teaches, this is a good thing.
But now, I could probably stop and get the same result. So why keep on? Because I need the support. I love Fridays, when someone calls in to scream "We're debt free!" I think about how I will feel when I make that fateful call. I love when someone calls in and says, "We're on step 6, so what do we do?" They tell us how they got there and are trying to figure out how to invest their money. My heart aches to join them. And sometimes you hear situations so similar to yours that it is scary. Not long ago, I was considering selling our house because we are a little over Dave's 25% rule. A man called with essentially the same income and the same house payment, and Dave didn't tell him to sell. Relief! Other times, folks have called in to ask questions about teaching their young children, and I have listened in avid interest.
I'm not encouraging you to run out and purchase an online membership, but I will encourage you to find the radio station in your area Dave is on, or to listen to the podcast. Even if you know every step to take, hearing it over and over again can really help you on your journey. When your friends and family think you're nuts, you can listen to the show and know that you are not the only "weird" person out there. It brings hope that you and your family can change for the better.