Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Liposculpture - A Better Alternative To Liposuction

Laser technology is now being used for many different purposes to perform procedures that once were painful, and came with long recovery times.
Now certain procedures can be done painlessly and provide fast recovery with the use of a laser.
This marvelous technology is now being offered by plastic surgeons for individuals who may be considering liposuction.
This safe, new and improved method is liposculpture.
Liposculpture can reduce and eliminate love handles, belly fat, double chins, thigh fat, arm fat and back rolls with safer, faster and better results than liposuction.
Using this technique, the surgeon is able to sculpt and contour the body shape unlike traditional liposuction where there is little ability to accomplish this.
It also tightens skin in treated areas, eliminating any sagging skin that would be left behind.
After a liposculpture procedure is done, there is virtually no pain, unlike liposuction where most individuals have to take pain medication for several days afterward.
And during the procedure itself, very little discomfort is experienced because only a local anesthetic is used, compared to the general anesthesia necessary for liposuction, which can result in serious complications and health risks.
For this reason, liposuction procedures are considered to be risky, while liposculpture is considered to be quite safe with virtually no risk involved.
Liposculpture is also a wonderful alternative to liposuction because the post-op results leave only a small amount, if any bruising, and normally the scarring is completely diminished within six to nine months.
Liposuction does leave a moderate amount of bruising, and the scars are usually permanent.
Liposculpture is done by the use of a tiny cannula that is introduced under the skin.
Fat cells are then melted and permanently eliminated from the body.
While the laser is breaking up the fat cells, it is also sealing the blood vessels, which reduce or eliminate any swelling or bruising as compared to regular liposuction.
Recovery time is very quick, with most individuals returning to work the next day.
Because the incision that is made is so tiny, it heals with only the need of a band-aid or one stitch.
Patients may experience slight swelling or tenderness.
Most plastic surgeons will recommend that patients wear a compression bandage for four to six weeks following their liposculpture procedure to help reduce swelling and to help contour the body.
This procedure will eliminate the fat forever, but if the patient doesn't follow proper nutritional habits afterward, as suggested by their doctor, they can gain weight again.
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