Health & Medical Men's Health

Increase Penis Size Naturally - I"m Shocked Why Would You Spend a Fortune to Make Your Penis Bigger?

So you want to make your penis bigger? However, everywhere you look the cost to increase your penis size seems to be astronomical.
If you wish to consider surgery, you are usually looking at a minimum cost of $5000.
Penis enhancement pills require that you purchase a monthly supply which will usually set you back $100-$200 a month.
As for penis extenders, pumps and any other gadget, you can expect to pay out anywhere up to a few hundred dollars.
The penis enlargement industry is a billion dollar industry, there's no doubt about that.
Billions of dollars are spent every year in advertising, however, the most shocking fact is that billions of dollars are spent on products each and every year.
Now i don't wish to step on anyone's toes here, but i am extremely surprised at the amount of money spent each year on products that are supposed to make your penis bigger.
I guess my surprise stems from the fact that i have studied penis enlargement very closely for a number of months now.
As you learn certain facts about the human body and the workings of internal organs, it surprises me more that certain methods to increase penis size make so much money...
and legally! For me, there is only one true way to make your penis bigger and it doesn't have to cost a fortune.
Exercising to increase penis size has been medically and scientifically proven over and over again.
The only cost will be purchasing a reputable exercise program to follow, which in every case is under $100 and usually nearer to $50.
I would consider exercises the safest form of penis enlargement and finally you are the one who is fully in control of your own destiny.
By following a reputable exercise program, you can not only make your penis bigger, you can improve your sexual performance, gain stronger and harder erections and improve your self-confidence no end! One of the most popular exercises to naturally increase penis size is jelqing.
However, to my dismay and frustration I have recently come across a contraption that is intended to aid you when jelqing.
The cost of this gadget is approximately $300.
This once again proves to me how much money people are willing to waste in order to get a bigger penis.
I am in no way saying that this device cannot help you increase penis size, BUT jelqing has been practiced for many hundreds of years by just using your own 2 hands and nothing else.
It has proved successful for many years using this technique, so why change it now! My suggestion to you, if you really wish to make your penis bigger - save your money on the more extravagant methods and invest in a decent exercise program!
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