Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Your Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Is there a connection between your heartburn drugs and other health problems? The drugs prescribed the most for heartburn, ulcers, and other digestive problems are Nexium, Aciphex, Prevacid, Protonix, Zergerid and Prilosec.
Some are available over-the-counter either by their brand names or in generic form.
All of these acid blockers work by blocking acid in the stomach.
These drugs shut down your acid production and also cause many serious side effects -- as you may have heard when watching their ads on TV.
The FDA is finally requiring the drug companies to put a warning label on all of these drugs stating that they deplete your body of magnesium.
Some consequences of this depletion are so severe that they may even be fatal.
Magnesium is absolutely necessary for...
* Your heart to beat.
When it is missing, your heart will stop beating.
* A regular heart beat.
* Manufacturing brain neurotransmitters to carry messages in your brain.
* Your muscles to tense and relax.
* For building red blood cells * And helping to form your DNA.
* Strengthening your immune system to protect you from germs * Working with calcium to maintain bone integrity.
In fact, if you have taken acid blockers for more than 6 months, your body is probably depleted of all minerals as well as the B vitamins and the good bacteria that should be in your digestive system.
I hope you read the part about maintaining bone integrity.
Since the proliferation of acid blockers, osteoporosis is on the rise.
It is impossible to have healthy bones with low acid in your digestive system as neither calcium nor magnesium can be digested without acid.
You may be wondering what you can do to stop your pain if you do not take an acid blocker.
The interesting fact is that instead of having too much, most people do not have enough hydrochloric acid.
Their indigestion is caused not by too much stomach acid, but because the food that cannot properly digest just deteriorates in the stomach --causing the creation of lactic acid and the resulting pain.
Many heartburn sufferers have discovered that they get amazing relief from sipping one tablespoonful of raw apple cider vinegar with a spoonful of honey in a glass of water during and following each meal.
It may be taken either cold or warm.
Some even take it in their tea.
Others have found that by simply combining foods correctly, they are able to eat all their favorite foods.
One former acid reflux sufferer, has developed a plan that has helped many live a pain free life without drugs just by learning to eat the right foods together.
I urge you to seek an alternative to antacids before you suffer serious consequences.
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