- There are more than 200 slogans associated with AA in use by its English-speaking members, according to The Alcoholism Guide site. The organization attributes the first three slogans to its founder, Bill W. The slogans are "Easy does it," "First things first" and "Live and let live."
- The list of AA slogans reported by The Alcoholism Group provides these as the next two slogans: "But for the grace of God" and "Let go and let God." Other slogans attributed to AA include "One day at a time," "More will be revealed" and "Practice an attitude of gratitude." AA provides a booklet of suggested general meeting topics, among them some of the organization's slogans, including "H.A.L.T.," which AA explains stands for "Don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired."
- The slogans are useful tools to help AA members remember some of the basic precepts of their journey to sobriety. The slogans provide a common basis for discussion in meetings and in conversations between members. Unity, one of the Three Legacies of AA, is supported through the use of these slogans and other tools, including the Serenity Prayer and the Big Book.
- One of the premises of AA is that although each person who attends a meeting is an individual, that person shares common problems and experiences with many other AA members, including alcoholism. Tools are provided in the form of slogans and program steps to guide the individual and the group.
First Three Slogans
Additional Slogans