Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Return of the Native: Indians and myth-making in Spanish America

The book Return of the Native: Indians and myth-making in Spanish America by Rebecca Earle is a comprehensive book discussing the history of Latin America. The book shows how the Spanish American republics were founded in defiance of the model of one language that came to dominate European nationalism. Based on the book, the creoles had diverse views about the place of the pre-Columbian past in national histories. This forms a major history to the historiography of Spanish American nationalism. Rebecca explores the meanings attached to the indigenous people by creoles. It shows that the creoles preferred the pre-Columbian images during independence era. This shows that the wars fought were meant to avenge the destruction of the great native civilizations by the brutal and ignorant Spanish people. The Aztecs, Incas and araucanians were glorified for their literature, theatre and festivals of independence.

The creoles of the national period glorified romantic visions of the pre-conquest Indian populations in various ways. In the pre-conquest period, the ideas of the Indians flowed through contact and this made the creoles to glorify their romantic visions. One of the ways by which the romantic visions of the pre-conquest period were glorified was through adopting useful ideas and concepts such as in literature, theatre and independence. This helped them to innovate or replace certain aspects of cultural practices and beliefs that could be of great help to them. The romantic visions of the pre-conquest Indian populations were glorified because they emphasized both haphazard trade contacts and battles. These trade contacts and battles were glorified by participating in explorations, slaving and trade expeditions. The romantic visions of the pre-conquest period were glorified because they emphasized on official and negotiated relationships.

The creoles had the imaginations of ideas that are tied to the 19th century Spanish America. The creoles of the national period glorified the ideas of the romantic visions of the pre-conquest Indian population because they were based on nation building. They aimed at following the ideas that were made by the literate Spanish Americans. The creoles also glorified the romanticized ideas because they were made by the educated nationalists. The creoles sought to construct meaningful national myths and histories from the ideas that were made by the pre-conquest Indian population.  In order to glorify the romantic visions of the pre-conquest Indian population, the creoles made various efforts that included adopting new trading tactics. They adopted the basic features of the elite nation-building and the essential variations. Due to the glorification of these romantic visions, several movements developed in various parts of the Spanish America to embrace the change.

The Creole elites also felt that there was a need to adopt the romantic ideas of the Indigenous people living in the new republic of the 19th and 20th century because they were aimed at nation building which was an important way of developing the area . The people who lived in the new world were referred to as Indians. Relations and policies pertaining to the Indians were essential because helped in improving the agendas of the colonial powers. The creoles felt that the ideas of the Indian people were essential because they relied on Indian workers and this made the creoles to oblige the Indians to denounce their identity and join the general mainstream. The Indians who survived the diseases, famine and warfare found themselves living in different worlds. They formed various institutions to allow colonialists to control individual and ordinary resources in America. The creoles did not know what exactly could be described as the rights of the Indians because this depended on how they were defined. The Indians had a lot of impact on the thoughts of the creoles. Though the Americans were ready to eradicate Indians in their land, the Indians defended and perpetuated their individual values and this made them not to be eradicated.

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