Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Are You Motivated Enough to Start Online Home Business?

I had an argument with my brother who was paying a short visit before going back to USA.
It was over my taking online home business to earn money on Internet.
Failing to make him understand I told him that I will write him the reasons by mail after he is back to USA.
Here is what I wrote him, more or less.
These may be my personal reasons but every person can fit in it by one way or other.
First, where do I get motivation to keep going in online home business? I am over 40 and I am not in a position where I should be.
Financially and Socially.
The reason behind this is I had wasted so much valuable time of my life doing things that I shouldn't be doing.
One of them is drug addiction for long time.
I recovered from it to see my friends and family members are way ahead by all means from me.
Well, what they are now, I deserved that too! I had the same potential! But no way can I reach them now.
The time is wasted.
Yes it is possible financially, to earn money on Internet, if I succeed in my online home business.
This emotion keeps me going.
I am determined to succeed whatever it may take from me.
If you want to succeed to earn money on Internet there have to be a strong motivation in you.
Okay you want to earn some extra money on internet.
Everybody wants to earn some extra money.
Earn money for what! You have to ask your self are you ready to go all the way! Are you determined to buy the car you have been eying in! Are you short of your monthly expenses and determined to fight the problem once for all! Are you determined enough to earn money on Internet so that you can complete the last term of the course you enrolled in! Want to earn money on Internet for the sake of making money does not do very well in online home business.
It is slow and tedious process.
There are many things to learn and adapt.
You have to change the pattern of living and things like that.
For instance, I like to sit tight in my home in front of my computer and do occasional home duties.
This way I do not have to face many friends and can avoid many questions.
Not that they are bad guys.
But it is my self-pity that stops me from socialization.
I turned this situation to an advantage to my online home business to earn money on Internet.
If you want to earn money on Internet by starting an online home business, you have to be very honest with your self.
Can you stand doing work sitting in a corner in front of computer hours after hours? Can you give up the habit of watching TV for long time? Be honest.
Because, this one thing may stand between success and failure.
If you are motivated enough, whatever the reasons are, there is no way you can fail to earn money on Internet.
Your motivation will push you forward.
You will learn new things eagerly that stands between your success.
You will always able to find a way out whenever you are stuck some where in your Earn money on Internet Business.
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