Health & Medical Depression

Omega 3 Studies Regarding Depression

Can omega-3 fatty acids really help combat depression? Omega 3 studies regarding depression seem to all agree to the effectiveness of these omega-3 fish oils against depression.
Let us trace you back to the history of these studies.
For many years, not much attention has been given to substances in the brain.
Depression was always believed to have something to do with neurotransmitters and hormones, and never of fats.
However, scientists became interested in the connection between omega 3 fish oils and depression when it was first observed that countries with high fish consumption had lowest depression rates.
It was also found that mothers based in the UK who took in very little fish in their diet were found to have twice as much risk in developing postpartum depression compared to those who regularly ate fish.
Recent studies on omega-3 fatty acids revealed that when fish oils were fed to piglets, the same effect on the brain was observed as that of the antidepressant Prozac.
Fish oil seems to raise the level of the important neurotransmitter called serotonin.
It was revealed in many studies before how depressed individuals showed low levels of this neurotransmitter.
A clinical study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders also have shown that people who suffer from major depression also tend to have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
A handful of small yet valid studies have observed how omega 3 fish oil supplements can smooth out mood swings, especially of bipolar disorder sufferers In May 1999, it was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry that intake of large doses of fish oil can alleviate symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Fourteen subjects out of 30 took 10 grams of fish oil every day, while the control group took only olive oil.
This double-blind placebo-controlled study revealed that 11 out of the 14 patients who took the fish oil supplements experienced fewer depression symptoms.
Recently in 2007, reviews of 10 different omega 3 studies regarding depression reveal that although more large-scale studies are needed, omega 3 fatty acids show promising effect as an effective anti-depressant.
How does it help in fighting depression? It is postulated that omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA omega 3s play an important role in helping nerve cells communicate with each other in a smooth, unhindered manner.
This smooth flow of neurotransmitters, hormones and other chemical messengers seem to be very important in maintaining as well as preserving mental health.
Whether you are feeling depressed due to certain events in your life, or you have chronic depression, always talk to a medical professional.
In addition to that, making it part of your daily intake may also help provide a natural boost to your mood.
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