I've been saying for a while now that when you start your Ecourse, you should actually write down your initial thoughts on a piece of paper.
Yes, actually physically write it down on paper! It may seem like more work, but it make everything easier in the long long.
The reason being is a bunch of psychological stuff that's behind it all.
Instead of going into it all, let me give you an example of writing stuff down.
I'm one of those guys that loves to listen to motivational and training CD's all the time.
I once heard someone mention that writing out your thoughts was more powerful for your inner understanding of what you're doing.
This got me thinking.
I was already constantly jotting notes on a small note pad.
I have dozens of notepads filled with scribbles, notes, phrases and things I've heard and seen.
I often refer to those notes when I'm wanting to find and idea to write about.
The powerful thing about this is when I review these notes, I remember when/where I was when I wrote them down, which seems to trigger some sort of extra creative-juice-flow inside of me.
Then it hit me, that's what the guy on the CD was referring to when he mentioned to write things down, triggering something inside of you, the creative part of you.
So, when I mention writing it down, it's a reason for your subconscious mind to kick in and give you an extra "Umph!" to make your stuff even better than you thought.
The thing to remember is your Ecourse is YOU, it's YOUR personality coming through.
The more creative it is, the more interesting it is, which means you're setting yourself up as the expert because people WANT to read your stuff because of the uniqueness.
Yes, actually physically write it down on paper! It may seem like more work, but it make everything easier in the long long.
The reason being is a bunch of psychological stuff that's behind it all.
Instead of going into it all, let me give you an example of writing stuff down.
I'm one of those guys that loves to listen to motivational and training CD's all the time.
I once heard someone mention that writing out your thoughts was more powerful for your inner understanding of what you're doing.
This got me thinking.
I was already constantly jotting notes on a small note pad.
I have dozens of notepads filled with scribbles, notes, phrases and things I've heard and seen.
I often refer to those notes when I'm wanting to find and idea to write about.
The powerful thing about this is when I review these notes, I remember when/where I was when I wrote them down, which seems to trigger some sort of extra creative-juice-flow inside of me.
Then it hit me, that's what the guy on the CD was referring to when he mentioned to write things down, triggering something inside of you, the creative part of you.
So, when I mention writing it down, it's a reason for your subconscious mind to kick in and give you an extra "Umph!" to make your stuff even better than you thought.
The thing to remember is your Ecourse is YOU, it's YOUR personality coming through.
The more creative it is, the more interesting it is, which means you're setting yourself up as the expert because people WANT to read your stuff because of the uniqueness.