An excessive gain in weight afflicts an individual when there is an increase in fat or fluids in the body. No one would like to be cursed with an excessive gain in weight. Sometimes however, the affected individual has no choice but to learn how to deal with it. A gain in weight can occur due to the faults of an individual or due to certain conditions that the particular individual has no control over. A gain in weight due to overeating and abstaining from challenging physical exercises can be considered an individual's fault. However, a gain in weight due to certain medications, kidney failure, hormonal factors, and fluid retentions can be considered conditions beyond the control of an individual. Read on to know more about the underlying causes and symptoms of an excessive gain in weight. Here, it's all about gaining information on and building familiarity with the causes and symptoms of an unwanted gain in weight.Causes And Symptoms Of An Excessive Weight GainCauses
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- The genes of an individual
- Overeating
- Reduction in or absolutely no time set aside for exercising
- A stressful life
- A decrease in BMR(basic metabolic rate)
- Insufficient sleep
- An eating disorder in the form of a binge eating disorder
- Pregnancy—most women tend to put on a lot of weight after the birth of a child.
- Hypothyroidism
- A daily intake of foods that are high on fats and calories.
- Psychological and emotional factors
- The family environment – living with a family who eat a lot can cause a person to eat a lot too, thus rendering him/her obese.
- Certain medicines
- The consumption of rich and fatty foods right before retiring for the night.
- Constantly alternating between days of binge eating and days of forced starvation.
- Quitting smoking
- A history of medical problems
- Excessive or binge drinking
- A ravenous appetite for unhealthy and fattening foods
- Kidney failure
- Heart failure
- Depression
- A liver or gallbladder disease
- Diabetes (Type 2)
- Joint problems, mostly arthritis
- Heart burn
- Snoring
- A negative and distorted self-image
- Difficulty and disinterest in maintaining personal hygiene and looking presentable
- Extremely slothful when going about day-to-day tasks
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Complications or problems with heart disease and pregnancy
- Shorter life expectancy
- High cholesterol
- Social isolation
- Insomnia
- Breathing disorders, can range from breathlessness to wheezing
- Bowel or prostate cancer in men
- Uterine and breast cancer in women
- Inconsistencies in urinating
- Levels of confidence will reach an all-time low
- Type 2 diabetes, caused by a chronic condition that is the result of too much glucose in the bloodstream.
- Fatigue
- Increased and profuse sweating
- Joint and back pains
- A sense of isolation
- Skin disorders, which are the result of bacterial breakdown of sweat between the numerous folds of skin.
- Hernia
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