Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Eye Wrinkle Removal Options

Eye wrinkles are usually the first that manifests on our face.
You find crow's feet around your eyes, which can be unsightly to many.
There are many wrinkle removal options for you to choose from, which is understood better if you first understand what causes this As eyelid skin is the thinnest on our face, it is the most susceptible to sun damage and aging.
Moreover, this thin skin gets easily deformed when it's underlying muscle contracts and pulls the skin into folds.
Once the skin ages, it starts loosening and these folds and lines become permanent wrinkles.
In addition to this, as it is the upper portion of your face; viz your eyes, forehead and cheeks that get the most sun exposure, the sun's UV radiation easily destroys the collagen in this skin and creates wrinkles.
Removal options Botox is a great eye wrinkle removal option as it weakens the facial expression muscles and lets them relax.
This leads to the disappearance of lines and folds that are caused by muscle pulls.
All you require is a small amount of botox Fractional laser resurfacing can be used on the peri-ocular skin found around the eyes to remove wrinkles and sun damaged skin.
This method facilitates faster recovery; however it is necessary to use some eye protection during treatment.
Non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing treatment does not lead to any peeling of skin, so there is minimal recovery time here.
However though this technique can be used to remove wrinkles on the crow's feet area, it is not effective for wrinkles on the eyelid.
For best results from this method, you need to wear some eye protection and go through 4 treatments at a span of 3-4 weeks.
Some people may suggest blepharoplasty for eye wrinkle removal.
However though blepharoplasty can effectively remove puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes, it does not remove eye wrinkles.
As prevention is always better than cure, it is better to prevent with regular use of a good anti-aging cream.
Then of course, wrinkles are inevitable; though you may prevent it, one day, you will get wrinkles and one day, you will have to consider using any of these eye wrinkle removal options to remove your eye wrinkles.
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