If you have Termites on your property then it may only be a matter of time before they destroy your home. This is particularly true if you live in a house that is even partly made out of wood. You should never ignore termites and never underestimate their ability to cause great damage. Yes, they are small in size, but the damage they can cause can be massive. You will need to find an effective termite killer, something that can give quick results.
Here are a few natural termite killers that are totally free of harmful chemicals.
There is a product that is known as BlockaidÂ. It has been developed in Australia, and uses several plant extracts that are non-toxic. It works as barrier to termite infestation. Moreover, a group of Australian researchers have recently invented a new type of organic termite treatment from the extract of a species known as Eremophila, which is a strong termite repellent. In India, extract from the Neem tree has long been used for termite control all over the country.
Killing termites through a natural process often entails stopping their food supply. However, to achieve this, you will have to keep the foundation of your home and the area around it absolutely dry. This means that, you will have to remove the mulch in your flower bed. Keep it at least a foot away from the main structure of your house. Also, see to it that all wooden structures around your home are not suffering from water damage. Since termites mostly thrive in a humid and soggy environment, they will naturally go elsewhere to survive and multiply. This approach can be a great natural termite killer.
Some home owners also try to lure termites by offering baits to them. This is usually done by placing several cardboard boxes around their homes, and then watering them down occasionally. You can try this approach too. Since cardboard contains some amount of soft wood, the termites (also called white ants) would literally feast on these readymade gourmet foods. To keep your home termite-free, you should always keep a vigilant eye on the sodden cardboard boxes. You should remove them elsewhere as soon as they are fully loaded with termites.
The problem of termite infestation has bothered home owners for a long time now. A lot of solutions have been tried as well with mixed results. Some of them have worked but often they can cause extra damage. In recent times, researchers have made major breakthroughs in coming out with natural termite treatments. These solutions have been developed from organic compounds. There are other solutions too that include finding ways to disturb the nest, and biological controls that can eliminate the termite problem once and for all. Whatever option you choose, do ensure that your termite killer is safe. This should always be a priority.
Here are a few natural termite killers that are totally free of harmful chemicals.
There is a product that is known as BlockaidÂ. It has been developed in Australia, and uses several plant extracts that are non-toxic. It works as barrier to termite infestation. Moreover, a group of Australian researchers have recently invented a new type of organic termite treatment from the extract of a species known as Eremophila, which is a strong termite repellent. In India, extract from the Neem tree has long been used for termite control all over the country.
Killing termites through a natural process often entails stopping their food supply. However, to achieve this, you will have to keep the foundation of your home and the area around it absolutely dry. This means that, you will have to remove the mulch in your flower bed. Keep it at least a foot away from the main structure of your house. Also, see to it that all wooden structures around your home are not suffering from water damage. Since termites mostly thrive in a humid and soggy environment, they will naturally go elsewhere to survive and multiply. This approach can be a great natural termite killer.
Some home owners also try to lure termites by offering baits to them. This is usually done by placing several cardboard boxes around their homes, and then watering them down occasionally. You can try this approach too. Since cardboard contains some amount of soft wood, the termites (also called white ants) would literally feast on these readymade gourmet foods. To keep your home termite-free, you should always keep a vigilant eye on the sodden cardboard boxes. You should remove them elsewhere as soon as they are fully loaded with termites.
The problem of termite infestation has bothered home owners for a long time now. A lot of solutions have been tried as well with mixed results. Some of them have worked but often they can cause extra damage. In recent times, researchers have made major breakthroughs in coming out with natural termite treatments. These solutions have been developed from organic compounds. There are other solutions too that include finding ways to disturb the nest, and biological controls that can eliminate the termite problem once and for all. Whatever option you choose, do ensure that your termite killer is safe. This should always be a priority.