Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Natural Heartburn Prevention

    Symptoms of Heartburn

    • To effectively prevent and remedy heartburn it is important that one know exactly what heartburn is because attempting to treat or prevent when you are ensure of a condition can prove troublesome. Heartburn is a condition in which an uncomfortable and perhaps painful sensation of burning is felt in the esophagus and close to the heart. The discomfort may rise to the neck or throat as well.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Avoiding the foods that cause a person to have heartburn is a great way to prevent it from occurring. For many people heartburn is triggered by eating spicy foods, but there are several other foods and beverages that are known to cause the onset of heartburn. Carbonated beverages are infamous for causing heartburn because of the bubbles that cause air to become trapped in the stomach and work their way back up the esophagus as a belch. Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, citrus juices and fruits, fatty foods, mint flavors and acidic foods such as tomatoes are foods that should be avoided.

    Lifestyle Changes

    • Losing weight is a great way to prevent heart burn because larger people have more pressure on their stomach and esophagus, making heartburn easier to occur. Quitting smoking prevents the ingestion of chemicals that weaken the parts of the esophagus most susceptible to the onset of heartburn. Reducing stress, wearing loose-fitting clothing and sleeping with the head higher than the stomach may also help to prevent heartburn from occurring.

    New Eating Habits

    • Another way to prevent heartburn is to take on healthier eating habits. Eating numerous small meals relieves pressure placed on the stomach and lower esophagus, making heartburn much less frequent. Avoiding exercise and sleeping for 2 or 3 hours after eating will also prevent pressure on the stomach and lower esophagus.

    Natural Remedies

    • When heartburn cannot be prevented and a natural relief is desired then there are numerous natural remedies that can be tried to relieve the pain of heartburn. Sherbet, roasted almonds and mixtures of baking soda and water are recommended for relief of heartburn. Chewing gum or diluting apple cider vinegar in water may also remedy already present heartburn. Aciphilus is a naturally occurring yogurt culture that can be found in capsule form at natural health food stores and is claimed by users to prevent heartburn from occurring.

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