- 1). Place the four 72-inch pieces of lumber on a worktable with their long edges touching. These will be the sides. Measure from one end and make a mark every 12 inches. Place the framing square on the marks and draw lines across the narrow width of the lumber.
- 2). Choose which end of the sidepieces will be the top and place an "X" on the bottom side of each line. Drill two pilot holes with the 1/16-inch drill bit on the same side of the line as the "X." Keep the pilot holes at least 1 inch away from the long edges of the lumber.
- 3). Separate the four sides into two sets of two and use the countersink drill bit to drill countersink holes in the pilot holes, no deeper than 3/8 inch. Place the 36-inch pieces of lumber on the worktable. These will be the shelves.
- 4). Apply glue to the narrow edges of the shelves, place them on the "X" marks and secure them to the sides with the 1 ¼-inch drywall screws. Repeat this until all the shelves are secured between the sides.
- 5). Place the two shelving room dividers side by side so the sides are touching.
- 6). Apply glue inside the countersink holes and place a screw hole button in each. Install the hinges on the ¾-inch edges of the sides with the supplied screws.