Health & Medical Health & Medical Insurance

Grants for Health Insurance

    State Children's Insurance Program

    • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides formula grants to each state to allow them to maintain and expand their state child health programs for uninsured and low-income children. Some states also use the funds to help low-income pregnant women and legal immigrants. The funds are intended to help these targeted groups obtain health insurance, help the state expand its Medicaid program or a combination of both. The government expects that a combination of public and private programs will be used to provide insurance for low-income children.

      Center for Medicaid and State Operations

      7500 Security Boulevard

      Baltimore, MD 21244


    WIA Dislocated Workers

    • The U.S. Department of Labor provides both formula and project grants in order to re-employ displaced workers with a goal of improving the workforce and enhancing productivity and competitiveness. Program effectiveness is measured by the number of workers re-entering the workforce in unsubsidized positions their earnings. One of the grants within the program is National Emergency Grants that are used when there is a layoff of 50 or more employees at a company. These grants can be used to continue the health insurance coverage of those employees and provide other assistance.

      U.S. Department of Labor

      200 Constitution Avenue, NW

      Room S-4209

      Washington, DC 20210


    Grants to States for Operation of Qualified High-Risk Pools

    • The Department of Health and Human Services provides formula grants to states to operate a high-risk health insurance pool. The grants cover the losses incurred by insuring those people covered by the pool. To be applicable, the state must operate an insurance program for high-risk individuals that has incurred a loss.

      Center for Medicaid and State Operations

      7500 Security Boulevard

      Baltimore, MD 21244


    Seed Grants to States for Qualified High-Risk Pools

    • The Department of Health and Human Services provides project grants to help states start a high-risk insurance pool for those people who have pre-existing conditions and can't get insurance. The grant aids in the creation and initial operation of the program, which the state is then expected to take over.

      Centers for Medicaid and State Operation

      Mail stop S3-16-16 (Jim Mayhew)

      7500 Security Blvd.

      Baltimore, MD 21244-1850


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