Management and Monitoring of Hypertension in CKD
ABPM and self-measured BP are tools to evaluate BP more comprehensively than clinic BP. They provide opportunity to tailor BP management to the BP pattern abnormality, for example, with chronotherapy. Recent guidelines recommend less aggressive BP targets for people with CKD without proteinuria than for those with. We still need more clinical outcome studies to inform BP targets for different age groups, types of CKD disease, and comorbidities. Lifestyle interventions play an important role in managing hypertension in CKD and management of obesity in CKD remains an important area for future research.
ABPM and self-measured BP are tools to evaluate BP more comprehensively than clinic BP. They provide opportunity to tailor BP management to the BP pattern abnormality, for example, with chronotherapy. Recent guidelines recommend less aggressive BP targets for people with CKD without proteinuria than for those with. We still need more clinical outcome studies to inform BP targets for different age groups, types of CKD disease, and comorbidities. Lifestyle interventions play an important role in managing hypertension in CKD and management of obesity in CKD remains an important area for future research.