Mens Health News
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NewsRelated to Men's Health
- Impotence Drug Eases Prostate Problems
Aug. 19, 2008 -- An enlarged prostate can cause a host of troublesome problems for men, like constantly waking up to go to the bathroom. But new research, funded by Eli Lilly, the company that owns the rights to the drug tadalafil, shows a daily dose of the drug may help ease some of the urinary sym
Read Full Article - Olympian's Cancer: Treat or Compete?
July 14, 2008 -- Olympic swimmer Eric Shanteau, 24, says he has testicular cancer and is delaying his testicular cancer surgery until after he's done competing in Beijing. According to media reports, Shanteau noticed a testicular abnormality but didn't see a doctor until his girlfriend urged him to
Read Full Article - Hormone Replacement for Men: Pros, Cons
June 18, 2008 -- Testosterone replacement therapy can help older men deficient in the hormone reduce their risks of heart disease, diabetes, and death, according to new research presented this week at ENDO 08, the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society. ''The goal of testosterone treatment is to ke
Read Full Article - Obama in "Excellent Health," Says Doctor
May 29, 2008 -- Sen. Barack Obama is in "excellent health," according to his primary care physician. David T. Scheiner, MD, who has been Obama's doctor since 1987, summarizes Obama's health in a one-page letter released by the Obama campaign. In the letter, Scheiner says that Obama "has been in exce
Read Full Article - Experts Define Premature Ejaculation
May 16, 2008 -- The International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) has written a definition for premature ejaculation. An international panel of 21 premature ejaculation experts wrote the definition after reviewing research on the topic and meeting in Amsterdam in October 2007 to discuss the issue
Read Full Article - Cancer Risk Lingers for Long-Banned DDT
April 29, 2008 -- Men exposed to the lingering remnants of the once widely used pesticide DDT have an increased risk for the most common form of testicular cancer. Scientists reporting in the April 29 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have found that men with the highest blood le
Read Full Article - Men vs. Women: Whose Memory Is Worse?
April 16, 2008 -- Men have a reputation for having a bad memory, forgetting birthdays or anniversaries -- or so the stereotype goes. Now, a new study lends some science to the stereotype, at least for older men. Men 70-plus are more likely than women in that age range to have memory problems and oth
Read Full Article - Want Success in the Stock Market? Man Up
April 14, 2008 -- Does higher testosterone in the morning lead to higher earnings for the day? According to new research, maybe so, if you are a stockbroker. Researchers from the University of Cambridge went to the trading floor of a mid-sized financial firm in London to track 17 brokers on the job
Read Full Article - Dads-to-Be May Need Folate, Too
March 20, 2008 -- The B vitamin folate may be key for dads-to-be, new research shows. Folate (called folic acid in supplement form) already is a must-have nutrient for women of childbearing age because it reduces the chances of neural tube defects in babies. Now, a new study suggests that folate or
Read Full Article - Presidential Health No Longer a Secret?
Although patient privacy is shielded by law, presidential health is everyone's business -- or at least it should be. That's the view of Larry J. Sabato, PhD, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics and author of more than 20 books on the American political process. He says presi
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