The exact history of poker is not known 100%. It probably comes from the French game 'Poque, or from the German gamen' Poche '(accurate). Poker also seems contrary to an old Persian game, named 'as nas', which the French had learned in New Orleans by Persian sailors. Clearly, these are all theories, because we don't know precisely the history of poker. So it is rather a theory of war who is right, one against the other. Nevertheless, there is 1 theory which is best known, and is most used when the history of poker is explained. The theory is said that poker has to be a combination of the Renaissance game "Primero" and the French game 'Brelan. One of the first reports written with evidence for the history of poker comes from the English actor Joseph Crowell. Crowell said that the was born in New Orleans in 1829 with a 20 card deck. Was also in a book written by Jonathan H. Green, that poker is down tremendously quickly spread and became known in the rest of the United States via for Mississippi riverboats where gambling was normal to kill time. Because poker grew on the Mississippi, it spread to the west. During the great gold rush was just as poker known as the 'Gunfight', which again is known in history.
When the poker game was well known game, the English came up with a 52-card deck, with the result that new poker hands were born "was like" Flush ". It was also during the American Civil War that poker has evolved further, so the game faced more faces then before. During the war, the games' draw poker, stud poker, and the straight poker were introduced. The "Wild Card" came into play around 1875. And "lowball" and "Split-pot poker was in the beginning of the twentieth (20th) century introduced.
Poker Regimes in the day triggered a huge rush in the United States of America, especially the televised tournaments like the WSOP and the EPT. Of course the Internet with has many poker players entailed. In other words, a short and easy version of the history of poker.
When the poker game was well known game, the English came up with a 52-card deck, with the result that new poker hands were born "was like" Flush ". It was also during the American Civil War that poker has evolved further, so the game faced more faces then before. During the war, the games' draw poker, stud poker, and the straight poker were introduced. The "Wild Card" came into play around 1875. And "lowball" and "Split-pot poker was in the beginning of the twentieth (20th) century introduced.
Poker Regimes in the day triggered a huge rush in the United States of America, especially the televised tournaments like the WSOP and the EPT. Of course the Internet with has many poker players entailed. In other words, a short and easy version of the history of poker.