Health & Medical Depression

7 Secrets to Beat Your Depression and Still Keep on Track to Change Habits

Let's face it.
Quitting any habit can be hard work.
There are times when you may feel anxious, hopeless, sad and pessimist about your chances of succeeding, especially when you have had a relapse.
It's important to be aware of when these feelings are more than a persistent feeling of sadness and have become depression.
Depression is a mental health disorder that can affect the way you feel about your life and the way you feel about yourself.
Depression is more than a passing bad mood and it affects your thoughts, mood and body.
If you are suffering from depression or suspect you may be, you will know that you can't simply "snap out of it" and be a happier person the next day.
In order to make your habit change work you can try some, or all, of these habit breaking secrets:
  1. Exercise.
    Exercise releases endorphins which are the "feel good" hormones.
    Sometimes the last thing you feel like doing is the very thing that your body needs so get moving as soon as you can.
  2. Goals.
    Sometimes a goal of "stop smoking" can seem overwhelming.
    A really useful technique is to break the goal down into smaller pieces that are more manageable.
    For example, if you currently smoke a packet a day then you could start by having two cigarettes left in the packet by the end of the day.
    The following week you could move onto having four cigarettes left at the end of each day until you break the habit completely.
  3. Support network.
    Contact the people in your support network and arrange some enjoyable outings.
    Have lunch or go to a movie (especially one that makes you laugh!).
    This will help to lift your mood and remind you of the good things in your life.
  4. Celebration.
    Now that you have set small manageable goals its time to celebrate once you achieve them.
    It is far too easy to let the achievement of goals slip by without stopping and celebrating your success.
    Your choice of celebration can be small or large; just remember to do it!
  5. Comparisons.
    Stop them! Some of our unhappiest times are when we compare ourselves to others and find that we don't like the comparison.
    Remember it doesn't matter if you friend quit her habit in 21 day.
    That was her journey to change habits, this is yours.
    It does not matter if it takes you longer to change habits than others you know; the important point is that you are taking the important step to change habits.
  6. Keep the future in mind.
    Focus on how you will feel and look when you have completely broken your habit.
  7. Medical assistance.
    Depression is an illness so if your symptoms persist or you start to have thoughts of death or suicide, then please see a doctor.
    There are many ways that a doctor can assist you.
It's important to remember that depression is not a sign of personal weakness.
Be kind to yourself and get the assistance that you need.
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