Sex crimes are related to human instincts.
As biological creatures, human begins have sexual drives and sexual urges.
When these urges become uncontrollable, individual people are sometimes driven to acts that society does not approve of.
These acts may not be criminal.
But when the acts are criminal, the punishments are often very severe.
One of the most striking forms of sex crimes is prostitution.
A centuries-old practice, prostitution is the selling of one's sex.
Many cities have so-called "Red Light Districts" where prostitutes offer their services.
When prostitutes are caught be police, they often do not face much jail time because they are seen as victims.
But when clients of prostitutes (who are usually men, because prostitutes are usually women) are caught they can face severe jail time.
Prostitution can be so popular that prostitution business often start up.
Either there can be brothels, where women come to work, just like other people go to the office.
For example, women may go to a brothel from 8 pm to 5 am.
They will stay there for that time period, and men will come in to have sex with them.
Or, there can be prostitution rings whereby women are somehow networked in a web of business that brings clients to prostitutes.
Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was caught having sex with a prostitute who was part of a prostitute ring.
Another type of sex crime is child pornography and statutory rape.
Child pornography is any sexually explicit material involving children under the age of 18.
It is illegal for children to view pornography, and it is illegal for children to take part in pornography.
Statutory rape occurs when someone over the age of 18 has sex with someone under the age of 18.
This crime is especially severe were when the child is very young.
R&B singer R.
Kelly was recently charged and acquitted of charges of statutory rape.
Another type of sex crime is having sex slaves.
Usually, sex slaves are brought from another country.
They are imprisoned in someone's home and forced to have sex with that individual, who purchases them from middlemen who them into the United States.
Conviction of a sex crime usually results in a long prison sentences and social ostracization.
People who have sexual relations with children, for example, become called sex offenders and are put on a national list/database.
Regular life, like getting a job, becomes very difficult for them.
As biological creatures, human begins have sexual drives and sexual urges.
When these urges become uncontrollable, individual people are sometimes driven to acts that society does not approve of.
These acts may not be criminal.
But when the acts are criminal, the punishments are often very severe.
One of the most striking forms of sex crimes is prostitution.
A centuries-old practice, prostitution is the selling of one's sex.
Many cities have so-called "Red Light Districts" where prostitutes offer their services.
When prostitutes are caught be police, they often do not face much jail time because they are seen as victims.
But when clients of prostitutes (who are usually men, because prostitutes are usually women) are caught they can face severe jail time.
Prostitution can be so popular that prostitution business often start up.
Either there can be brothels, where women come to work, just like other people go to the office.
For example, women may go to a brothel from 8 pm to 5 am.
They will stay there for that time period, and men will come in to have sex with them.
Or, there can be prostitution rings whereby women are somehow networked in a web of business that brings clients to prostitutes.
Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was caught having sex with a prostitute who was part of a prostitute ring.
Another type of sex crime is child pornography and statutory rape.
Child pornography is any sexually explicit material involving children under the age of 18.
It is illegal for children to view pornography, and it is illegal for children to take part in pornography.
Statutory rape occurs when someone over the age of 18 has sex with someone under the age of 18.
This crime is especially severe were when the child is very young.
R&B singer R.
Kelly was recently charged and acquitted of charges of statutory rape.
Another type of sex crime is having sex slaves.
Usually, sex slaves are brought from another country.
They are imprisoned in someone's home and forced to have sex with that individual, who purchases them from middlemen who them into the United States.
Conviction of a sex crime usually results in a long prison sentences and social ostracization.
People who have sexual relations with children, for example, become called sex offenders and are put on a national list/database.
Regular life, like getting a job, becomes very difficult for them.