Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery, A New Addiction?

The prospect of beauty has changed throughout the years.
Many people consider beauty as the person who has the perfect body, the perfect nose, the perfect everything.
Society has made this vision of beauty and with it many persons feel pressured to look "perfect", and this has created, as I like to call it, "the plastic surgery disease.
" Plastic surgery has many advantages, but everything has two sides.
Plastic surgery has many good aspects.
Not only would you look better, but you will also improve your self-esteem.
Many doctors say that plastic surgery is like Prozac, or like having a long session with a psychiatrist.
So, plastic surgery is not only about looking good, but to improve the way people value themselves.
People tend to abuse the use of plastic surgery.
Many people get addicted to surgery, its like a disease, they get so addicted that sometimes instead of being "perfect", they turn into weird monsters.
Plastic surgery should be use only to correct minor details, and not to be used frequently just for vanity.
Surgery should be used specially on people who suffered a certain accident, but persons shouldn't abuse, because they harm and put themselves into many risks every time they decide to pass through the process of surgery.
Not everything in plastic surgery is good.
Every surgery has its complications and risks, not everything turns out good.
There are many accidents that can occur during surgery, sometimes people don't get the result they wanted, or an infection can occur.
Many catastrophes can happen.
A fortieth year woman in Bocas del Toro, Panama wanted to a face lift, everything went out good, but now, one year later, basically her face melted.
So as I said everything has two sides, not everything is as good as many people say it is.
Plastic surgery has many advantages, such as looking better, improving your self-esteem, or even improving your health.
The problem is we tend to abuse the use of it and this causes many health problems, it is even considered a disease, a new addiction.
But not everything is bad, so if you are considering getting one you shouldn't get scared, you just have to be aware of the risks, of the two sides.
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