Law & Legal & Attorney Human rights

How to Change Your Name on a Citizenship Card

    American Permanent Residence Card

    • 1). Download and print the I-90 form from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

    • 2). Download the instructions for filling out the form and use them as you complete the form.

    • 3). Make a copy of the marriage certificate, court order or other legal document that recorded your name change.

    • 4). Copy your current citizenship or residence card and enclose it along with your application.

    • 5). Write a check or money order for the appropriate filing fee, which you can find on the Immigration Services website.

    • 6). Send the application and supporting documents by mail to Immigration Services' Arizona address:


      P.O. Box 21262

      Phoenix, Arizona 85036

    Canadian Citizenship Card

    • 1). Download and print the application for citizenship from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada, or CIC, website.

    • 2). Download the application guide to assist you with filling out the application form.

    • 3). Make a copy of your marriage license or court order to prove your name change.

    • 4). Take two passport-size photos at a photo processing center to include with your application.

    • 5). Make photo copies of two pieces of identification, making sure at least one includes a photo.

    • 6). Pay the application fee. You can use the online payment option at the CIC website to do this. You can also visit a financial institution in Canada with an IMM 5401 form downloaded from the CIC website or pay at your local Canadian consular mission. The receipt from this transaction must be enclosed with your application.

    • 7). Enclose the application form, photos, photo copies, payment receipt and your original citizenship card in an envelope and mail it to:

      Citizenship and Immigration Canada

      Case Processing Centre–Proof

      P.O. Box 10000

      Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 7C1

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