- 1). Measure the width of your bedroom windows from the outer edge of the left frame to the right. Measure the height in the same manner. Cut pieces of cardboard or blackout cloth to match these dimensions. Align the cardboard or cloth on each window to cover it completely. Tack the cardboard or cloth in place.
- 2). Purchase blackout liners and sew these onto the reverse side of your bedroom curtains. If the curtains aren't made of a heavy material or if their style doesn't allow this, replace the curtains with blackout curtains.
- 3). Install light-blocking film on your bedroom windows to darken the room. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to achieve the best results. The film doesn't need adhesives, so it can be applied and removed easily with just a few tools.
- 4). Install blackout shades, blinds or shutters on the windows to keep the sunlight out. These can be used alone, or in conjunction with other window treatments such as curtains or valances.