Society & Culture & Entertainment Cultures & Groups

How to Categorize People



Categorize people by physical characteristics. You do this every day without even thinking about it. You could categorize people by age, race, hair color or height. The U.S. Census Bureau uses this type of categorization when it publishes racial demographics.

Examine people's cultures to put them in a category. The language someone speaks, and even their specific dialect of that language puts them in a category. Religion is another cultural categorization. Different religions, and the concentration of people who adhere to them, vary throughout the United States and the world.

Categorize people by location. The options are limitless here. You could categorize people by city, state or region. You can also categorize people by the attributes of the place where they live, such as mountains, the ocean and the plains. Categorize them by the population density of their hometown.

Categorize people by something they do. Examples of this type of categorization would be classifying people by their occupation, their hobbies, or how they spend their free time.
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