Health & Medical Depression

Learn How Depression Should Be Treated

The condition known as depression can range from a self-limiting case of the blues to a life-threatening illness. Medications are often prescribed for depression, and if you are experiencing significant, debilitating depressive symptoms, or if this is not your first depressive episode, drug therapy may be your best option for improving quality of life. Learn how depression can be eliminated without drugs as there are some simple strategies you can use as an alternative to drug treatment, especially if youre dealing with a passing case of the blues or a simple depression triggered by life circumstances.

Put your feelings down on paper. Start a daily journal where you record your emotions each day. Self-therapy is very successful for some people who suffer from depression. Dig deep into your mind and write down the reasons you think are behind your feelings. Do this every night or when you are feeling overcome by depression.

Find a creative outlet. Some of the most famous artists and writers in history were depressed. Get some art supplies and paint or draw. Start writing a book or make some crafts. Channel your depression into an art form as a creative means of how depression can be treated.

Get off the sofa and go outside. Plan a daily walk at the same time each day and do it even if you don't want to. Regular exercise puts your mind in a more relaxed state and can lift your spirits. Alternately, join a health club and work out with a buddy.

Talk to someone. Depression is not shameful. Sometimes it helps to tell others how we feel and get their feedback. If you don't have a therapist or cant afford one, call your public health agency and ask about free support groups in your community and learn how depression can be eliminated.

Get your Omegas!!! Especially Omega 3 fatty acids which are critical to the proper functioning to many systems of the body especially the brain. You'll come across the terms EPA and DHA which are the acids that compose Omega 3 fatty acids. Eating more fish is an easy way to get more healthy fats in your diet, but you can also opt for a fish oil supplement. Exercise caution when choosing though, some are less potent than others and may contain mercury. Make sure they are purified and check for the total amount of EPA and DHA which ranges from 300 to 1000 per pill. Also, don't be scared of any fishy odor or burps- most supplements today are formulated better to reduce those unpleasant "side effects". One way to avoid this to throw your fish oil supplements in the fridge or freezer to keep them fresher longer.

Fish oil supplements are very beneficial for many other health conditions. Basically, if you can think of a health issue, fish oil most certainly will help it. Children suffering from ADD, ADHD, or any cognitive disabilities have been shown to have great improvements by taking a fish supplement because it is so beneficial to the brain. There are many kid friendly versions out there too so it is easier than ever to have a healthy and smart kid!
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