If you are looking for fun way to fill those lazy days of summer why not do some crafts with your kids? Crafts can be a great way to spend some time with your kids and alleviate those summertime cries of boredom.
These crafts work especially well for younger children.
Do not be fooled into thinking they are to simple since kids love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a completed project.
You can always add additional items to the crafts if you feel your kids need more of a challenge.
Here are some great craft ideas for summer days- Paper Plate Sunflower-Have the child paint the back side of a paper plate yellow and let dry.
Tear several small strips of yellow paper and glue around the outside of the plate to make petals.
Then have the child glue sunflower seeds to the center of the plate.
They can also make a stem out of green construction paper if they want to.
CD Sun Catchers-This craft could not be any more fun or easy.
Simply have the child decorate both sides of a CD any way they want with glitter, paint, stickers, etc.
(This is a good use for the one's that you get free in the mail) When finished tie a piece of fishing line through the center hole and hang it up.
Chalk Shadows-Have the child stand so that their shadow is on the sidewalk or driveway and then trace around it with a piece of chalk.
When tracing is done have them draw in clothes, hair, face, etc.
with different colored chalk.
Simple Flower-Have the child cut out simple "petal" shapes out of crepe paper.
Cut a circle for the center of flower and attach to straw with sticky tape.
Simply glue petals around circle of card to make a pretty flower.
Contact Paper Sun Catchers-Carefully peel back the protective covering halfway down a piece of contact paper, exposing the sticky side (The contact paper can be any shape or size) Then tear small pieces of various colors of tissue paper and stick to the contact paper.
Then you can peel off the rest of the protective cover and fold it over the tissue paper side.
Trim the sun catcher to any shape or size that is desired.
To finish: simply punch a hole in it and string a piece of fishing line through it to hang.
Peanut Buzzy Bees-You can turn packing peanuts into "buzzy bees" by just adding a little tissue paper to make the "wings" and color the peanut "body" with a black and yellow felt tip pen.
Bubble Pictures-Start by tacking up some pieces of construction paper on a fence at the children's face height.
Next mix a little bit of food coloring in some bubble solution.
It works best to mix up a couple of bottles in different colors.
Have the kids blow bubbles onto the paper.
They will have a ball doing this, but make sure they are wearing old clothes or swimsuits so they will not get food coloring on good clothes since it could stain.
Painted Flower Pots-You will want to use a clean terra cotta flower pot for this project.
Have each child decorate the flower pot with markers, paint, stamps, or anything else they want to use.
The terra cotta will soak up so much of the pigment that you do not have to worry about the color staying put.
If you are worried about the designs staying in place, however, you can always spray the pots with a sealer.
Once you get the pots done and dry, then you can help your child to put a plant in their pot.
These crafts work especially well for younger children.
Do not be fooled into thinking they are to simple since kids love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a completed project.
You can always add additional items to the crafts if you feel your kids need more of a challenge.
Here are some great craft ideas for summer days-
Tear several small strips of yellow paper and glue around the outside of the plate to make petals.
Then have the child glue sunflower seeds to the center of the plate.
They can also make a stem out of green construction paper if they want to.
Simply have the child decorate both sides of a CD any way they want with glitter, paint, stickers, etc.
(This is a good use for the one's that you get free in the mail) When finished tie a piece of fishing line through the center hole and hang it up.
When tracing is done have them draw in clothes, hair, face, etc.
with different colored chalk.
Cut a circle for the center of flower and attach to straw with sticky tape.
Simply glue petals around circle of card to make a pretty flower.
Then you can peel off the rest of the protective cover and fold it over the tissue paper side.
Trim the sun catcher to any shape or size that is desired.
To finish: simply punch a hole in it and string a piece of fishing line through it to hang.
Next mix a little bit of food coloring in some bubble solution.
It works best to mix up a couple of bottles in different colors.
Have the kids blow bubbles onto the paper.
They will have a ball doing this, but make sure they are wearing old clothes or swimsuits so they will not get food coloring on good clothes since it could stain.
Have each child decorate the flower pot with markers, paint, stamps, or anything else they want to use.
The terra cotta will soak up so much of the pigment that you do not have to worry about the color staying put.
If you are worried about the designs staying in place, however, you can always spray the pots with a sealer.
Once you get the pots done and dry, then you can help your child to put a plant in their pot.