Law & Legal & Attorney Law & Legal & Attorney

Claiming in the Correct Way, the Free Way, the No Win, No Fee Way!

This is a true story that contains examples that will hopefully educate the viewers, who can then share the spiritual message with their friends and spread the knowledge win, no fee!

That's right I'm not talking about religion, no no, don't be silly, ill save that topic for another day. For now the topic is "no win no fee" and it's an important topic at that. For years many people must have heard it through their television set but due to the repetitiveness of the word in nearly every advert regarding the word "no win no fee" I am pretty sure it has lost all its meaning to the people listening.

Here is a good example of this, on February 2010 a claim was made by a colleague of mine, he had his own lawyer whom he decided to use. The claim was against a slip that occurred at work due to water on the floor with no signs indicating the hazard. However he lost the case due to some bad representation along with hard luck, it should have been a sure thing but somehow the lawyer screwed up.
However now not only did my colleague lose out of a possible claim; he now has to pay the lawyer with a very expensive check. I think he told me it was roughly 1500.Now that's just outrageous!

I know what you're thinking, "ah well you win some you lose some" and to which ill reply and tell you, it's not the loss I think is outrageous, although that too is a shock. However it is the fee he has to pay that rattled my membrane. Now I bet your thinking "what do you mean, sounds like a reasonable price". Well let me tell you something, it's not!

The truth is, in the UK there are many companies such as accidents advice bureau, who can offer you a "no win no fee" representation. This basically means that you pay nothing for being represented by a lawyer! Which may come as a shock to some of you guys but it shouldn't, as it's been a standard policy set by many solicitors company's here in the UK. If my colleague went to a solicitor that offered him a "no win, no fee" representation then he would be much better off. For starters the solicitors that are confident enough to give such an offer must be good at what they do, therefore could have prevented him from losing the case. Secondly, even if he did lose the case then at least he will be at ease knowing he doesn't need to pay any fee to the lawyers.

To those of you who think that a "no win no fee " policy is too good to be true or would like to know how it is possible for lawyers representing someone for free as it defies the logic of "earning money". Well let me just put you at ease here, the reason why companies offer a "no win, no fee" policy is because the lawyers will bill the INSURANCE of the person they are claiming against, therefore covering ALL the cost.
So if you do decide to file a lawsuit, do it the right way, without paying a penny!
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