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Miniature Dachshund Louie"s Second Journal

I am a miniature Dachshund.
I may be small but my attitude is huge.
My mom is a wonderful person and I am totally in love with her.
However, when she goes out of town, she leaves me with her mom, my grandma.
Grandma has two dogs.
Babe is a Doberman/Shepherd cross and Mercedez is a Dalmatian/Black Lab cross.
Zack is a big Doberman that belongs to a friend of my mom's.
I love Zack.
He thinks I'm his parent.
This journal is about the times I have been left at Grandma's.
It is written to my mom.
If you enjoy this journal, you have to read my first one - it is hilarious!!At least I think so and I should know!!If you read my whole journal, there is a special treat for you at the end.
Day 1 When you left today, I stood by the door for a very long time.
I saw your suitcase and I just knew you would be coming back for me.
I was a big boy - I didn't cry - I just waited.
Guess what?You didn't come back.
WHY? Finally, I gave up and went to bed.
Gramma came and got me when she went to bed and put me in bed with her - I did not want to be there.
I ran upstairs to our bed and stayed there until I got too cold and then I crawled in with Gramma.
I thought you would be coming back but you didn't.
Day 2 You didn't show.
I do not understand it.
My bag is still here so I guess I'm staying.
I can't believe it Mommy - I heard your voice on the telephone thingy- you were so close - you called me boo-boos.
I was so happy.
I ran downstairs to see you but you weren't there.
Are you playing some kind of a game with me?Please hurry back - I miss you so so much I ran with the big dogs today.
I like it when Gramma drives slowly so I can catch up.
It is so much fun.
I'm such a big brave boy!! I was so excited today I almost peed.
I heard daddy's big truck and I knew that you and Zack were here too.
I cried and jumped and cried and jumped and cried and jumped - do, da do, da do.
So exciting.
Then Gramma opened the door and I ran out to the big truck, but it was Grandpa - not you, Mom.
Oh, well, that is pretty exciting too.
He held me and played with me and threw my toy and let me sleep on his belly and gave me treats and, I'm tired now.
Day 3 Today, Gramma and Grandpa were going out and I could tell they weren't going to let me come along.
So, I ran downstairs and cried and cried by the big closet.
Gramma knew what I wanted and she gave me my bed.
I figured if you aren't coming home then I am going to go to you.
I got in my bag and tried to zip it shut.
It wasn't easy.
I tried and tried until I got tired and went to sleep.
Then when Gramma and Grandpa were gone - I showed them how upset I was.
I pooed all over the dining room - at least 10 spots - it was pretty awful.
I didn't care.
They should have taken me with them.
Grandpa is so cool - he didn't yell at me or spank me or nothing.
Then there is Gramma - she's not as nice.
Day 4 Well, I guess sometimes I'm not too smart.
This morning I got up and went upstairs and took Gramma right over to the fireplace and showed her where I peed last night.
I smelled it to make sure it was mine and then she got mad at me.
Then I went downstairs and showed her where I peed on your files of papers.
I guess you are mad at me but I don't care - you have no right to be mad at me when you leave me so much.
Gramma is mean and she got mad at me.
Grandpa picks me up and says - "That's o.
Louie, don't worry - Gramma is a big meanie!"I LOVE Grandpa.
Day 5 Oh, Mommy..
I hurt myself really bad today.
Gramma was going to feed me and I ran to get my yummers and I hit my head square against the wood stair rail.
I cried and couldn't move.
Gramma picked me up and carried me up to Grandpa's lap.
I shook and cried.
It was awful.
I really made Gramma and Grandpa laugh tonight.
I kept burying my ball under the blanket on the sofa and jumping up and down until I found it and then I would roll it onto Babe's back.
I did this for about 3 hours - it was fun to see them laugh so hard.
Day 6 It is cold today.
I am lying by the fire thinking of you.
Tonight Gramma and Grandpa went out.
I asked them for my doggie bag before they left and I jumped in and slept.
They didn't take me with them.
Meanies!! They were gone a long time.
I was a good boy - at least as far as they know I was.
I'll never tell.
What they don't know - won't hurt them.
Day 7 Gramma got up really early and went away - she was gone all day.
This is great because I can poo all I want - Grandpa never notices.
But, when Gramma got home she noticed - two places.
I hid - I don't think she will find me.
Then when Gramma got home, she put the groceries on the kitchen floor and went downstairs.
Is she dumb or what?Of course I knew the groceries were for me.
So I got the great big block of cheese.
I took it out of the bag and dragged it to the front door.
I tried to get outside but no such luck.
I ate about one third of it before Gramma noticed.
OHHHHHH, my tummy hurts.
But it was worth every bite.
She was so mad she had smoke coming out of her nostrils.
But it was worth every bite.
She took the girls for a run and made me stay home.
But it was worth EVERY BITE!!! Day 8 Today was a quiet day.
I had a tummy ache from the cheese yesterday- it hurt a lot.
But it was WORTH EVERY BITE!!!I went for a run with the girls - that's always fun.
I do something that drives Gramma and even Grandpa nuts.
Mom, you took my leash so I can run free - THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
So, every time they open the front door - I am outta there like a shot.
I run to the neighbor's and bark like crazy.
You can hear me through the whole neighborhood and it gets all the other losers in the neighborhood barking.
They don't even know I'm in charge or what they are barking at.
I bark until Gramma gets her shoes on and comes running up the hill after me.
I hide under the truck so she can't hit me - she's mean you know.
Today, she gave me a swat but I ran home so fast and hid under the covers until she forgot all about it.
Then she told me what a precious sweet little boy I am.
See, she forgot already.
Day 9 Today Grandpa packed his bag.
I didn't jump into my bag - I knew he wouldn't be taking me - I am sad.
I will really miss playing with him.
He plays with me every night for a long time.
He hides my ball and makes me find it.
Such fun.
I do a new thing that he loves-- he laughs and laughs.
I jump around like crazy trying to bury my ball.
He thinks it's funny - go figure!!He says I look like an idiot.
He's laughing - so who's the idiot??? You called during the night and I heard your voice - even though I was under the covers.
I got so excited I farted - it upset Gramma.
Are you ever coming home? Day 10 Mommy, Mommy, Mommy - you would be so proud of me.
Gramma took the girls up the BIG HILL for a run today.
I got out of the truck with them and I ran ALL THE WAY up to the top.
I never stopped once and I kept up - well, pretty good.
I jumped into the truck right away cuz I was pretty tired.
But, aren't you proud of me?Are you?Huh, are you?Are you proud of me, Mommy? Gramma and her friend went out for a long time - it was very dark when they got home.
Gramma should know better than to leave me home alone.
But I was a good boy because when she came home I showed her where I peed.
I couldn't hold it and I was mad too, so I peed in your room.
But I showed Gramma, she spanked me, go figure...
and I cried.
She should have praised me for showing her, right? Day 11 Today I am sad - when are you coming home? Gramma took us for a run and she let me run all the way.
We were almost at the turn around spot when the big dogs saw two men walking.
They ran up to them and barked and then they jumped in the truck.
I just couldn't believe it.
Didn't they know they have to protect Gramma?What morons!!Well, I ran after them and they were walking fast - Gramma was running behind me - I don't know why cuz I can take care of myself just fine.
I barked and barked and the more I barked the faster they walked and the faster Gramma ran.
I was protecting Gramma.
Well, they finally stopped and I let them know who was the boss.
Gramma got me and picked me up and I still barked - I don't like men especially when they could hurt my Gramma.
Gramma should have been proud of me but she told me to be quiet instead.
Why wasn't she grateful?She carried me all the way back to the truck with the other two morons in it.
Then we went home and I went to sleep in the sun.
A lady came over to look at the house and Gramma made us wait on the deck.
It was so cold out there - I tell you, Mommy, Gramma is really mean when you aren't here.
Please come home soon - I don't know how much more I can take.
Gramma said that it is time I earn my keep.
She asked me to show you what she does all day.
Go to this link and if you want to buy something from her, tell her I sent you and she will give you a really good dealhttp://www.
Visit my site
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