- 1). Executing a number of preparations before you lift the 1976 Datsun will be necessary. Your specific model of Datsun will have unique lifting points meant for use with a jack. Normally, these jacking locations will be detailed in your vehicle's owner's manual. If you cannot locate an owner's manual, then a Haynes repair manual will contain the exact information you will need.
- 2). Secure the 1976 Datsun against rolling hazards before lifting. This can be accomplished by parking on flat ground, engaging the emergency parking brakes and moving your gear shifter according to your transmission type. Automatics need to be placed in the "park" designation, and standards need the gear shifter in reverse.
- 3). Choose a tire to start the elevation process with. It does not matter which. However, you will need to block off the tires diagonal from the wheel you are about to lift. For instance, if you start with the rear left wheel, then you need put chocks in front and behind the front right tire. Like the precautions listed in Step 2, this is meant to minimize any risk of the Datsun rolling during the lifting process. Any time a wheel leaves the ground, the distribution of weight shifts.
- 4). Place the your jack in the appropriate the jacking point. Always use the point nearest to the wheel you are lifting. Turn the jack's hand crank and raise the wheel off the ground. Once the vehicle's wheel is high enough, place a stand under the vehicle and lower the Datsun onto it.
- 5). Remove the jack and repeat the process on the remaining wheels.