- One of the purposes of using old windows as decorations is to re-use chipped, broken and unused windows and turn them into something that is decorative and useful again. You can find this kind of window very inexpensively or even for free. If your city allows it, browse the dump for discarded windows. Check with construction or remodeling companies. Second-hand stores and furniture stores may also have older, cheap windows for sale. The quality of the window does not have to be good for decorative purposes, but if the windows are going to be used as a structural piece or furniture then they should still be sturdy with no structural wood damage.
- The uses for old windows are practically limitless. One of the easiest decorations to use for old windows is to take the window frame, clean it up and hang it on a wall. Some people put mirrors behind the frame to create a shabby-chic look. Or, back the window with wall paper, cloth, new glass or almost any other material. Another use for old windows is to put several of them together to create a new piece of furniture or a new structure. The window greenhouse is a popular decoration method. Make tables and cabinet doors from windows. Use windows as hangers for collectible items.
- When re-tasking old windows, have a few supplies on hand. Older buildings often used lead paint, so you will probably have to strip the old paint and apply new paint for safety. Do not use windows that show signs of termite or other bug damage. Picture hangers can be screwed to the back of the window to allow for easier hanging. Anchor heavy window frames into the wall so they do not cause damage to drywall. If you attach additional wood to the frame, such as with the addition of a flower box to the frame, make sure the original frame is sturdy enough to support the new weight. Add plywood to the back of the wood for reinforcement.
Purchasing Guide
Decoration Tips