- The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that sit behind your abdomen, near the small of your back. Their main purpose is to remove the urea, excess water and other impurities from the circulating blood and use them to create urine. Each kidney has three openings: the renal artery, the renal vein and the ureter. Blood enters the kidneys through the renal artery and exits through the renal vein. Urine leaves the kidneys through ureters. Your kidneys are also responsible for releasing hormones that help regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production and Vitamin D production.
- Kidney infections, like any other urinary tract infection, almost always start off as urethritis. Bacteria that are normally found on the skin or in the intestinal tract are spread into the urethra, the channel through which urine is removed from the body. As the bacteria travel up the urinary tract, it hits the bladder, the ureters and finally the kidneys, causing infection along the way. That is called an ascending urinary tract infection. In extremely rare cases, bacteria can be present in the blood and find its way into the kidneys through the filtration process. This is called a descending urinary tract infection and is very rare.
- Kidney infections show themselves in a variety of ways. As the biggest byproduct of kidneys, urine changes are important telltale signs of a kidney infection. Your urine may appear dark, cloudy or even bloody. Kidney infections are quite painful, too. Most of them include burning or pain in the lower back, the pelvis and groin. You may even experience a burning sensation when urinating. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your health care provider for a diagnosis.
- Of all of the types of urinary tract infections that you can contract, a kidney infection is the most serious. This is because the bacteria have had to travel up your urinary tract to get to the kidneys and have probably been inside your body for an extended amount of time. Also, your kidneys are delicate organs and any damage done to them is irreversible. Some urinary tract infections can be treated by home remedies and over-the-counter medicines, but this is not the cause for kidney infections. In all but the most minor kidney infections, you will be hospitalized for observation and intravenous antibiotics. It can take weeks or even months to recovery from a complicated kidney infection.
- To prevent a kidney infection, you must maintain a strong immune system through healthy diet and exercise. You should also prevent bacteria from entering your urethra by keeping your genitals clean and dry. Wash them daily and after sex with mild soap and water. Avoid soaps with dyes or fragrances as they can irritate the urethra and invite infection. You can also promote good urinary health by taking vitamin supplements like Vitamin C or cranberry.
Structure and Function