Technology Programming

Google Glass – Guide for Developers

Google Glass has been able to reinvent the wheel of reality. However, the concepts of Glassware development are nothing monstrous. In fact, Google itself released the technical details, citing everything that an interested developer needs to know to come up with Glassware. Further, Google has come up with a Google Mirror API that lets developers get innovative. If you have been searching frantically for the finer aspects of Google Glass App Development, read on.

Python / Java

Glassware is meant to be developed on Python and Java platforms. Those looking into Java will specifically need the 1.6 version, App Engine SDK and Apache Maven to support the development process. Further, Google Glasses App Development can also be done with Eclipse IDE (Integrated Developer Environment). All developers regardless of the language they use need an OAuth verification that allows access to Glass APIs and SDKs.

Alternatively, if you are using Python, you can directly start with the App Engine SDK.

User Interaction as an added cat

Google Glassware interacts according to a timeline, therein displaying information such as search results, business information, weather, map, etc. Glassware as such is only accessed from the cloud and isn't provided locally as opposed to the general belief. Developers require setting a RESTful endpoint to add cards, update them or receiving or subscribing to push notifications.

Cards + Timeline

The most important of interactions perhaps, Cards + Timeline is stated to the recommended method of building apps and interact with the Glass hardware. These cards can be anything between images, HTML, video, text and essentially anything that is present on the web.

Seeking out the capabilities of these cards present what the Glassware is capable of. The hardware of the wearable technology comes with location ability, a 5 MP camera, Wi-Fi Bluetooth capability, 12 GB memory, Google Cloud Storage (additional 4 GB), 720p video capability, and a battery that can last a full day.

Users of Google Glass can expect anything from "winking" a picture to send messages (audio converted into text) over internet, connect to other device and use the interface as an intelligent search engine. The limits are as much as the developer's capability of imagination and innovation. Various developers across the globe have already come up with amazing apps that have made augmented reality an easier possibility.

Guidelines for developers:
  1. Design: Google Glass app development requires special designing, and is nothing like the normal smart phone apps. The design is what makes the Glassware unique.
  2. User friendly: Create apps that suit the needs of the users, not get in their way with extra information and push notifications.
  3. Timely: Google Glass users need data and functionality in real time. App should not entertain any lag in the process.
  4. Nothing unexpected: Users will never entertain unexpected notification. Sometimes, requests and push messages can even be interfering and dangerous. If you have to, have a process that gets the user's permission before sending out regular notifications.

Well designed Google Glassware can make a developer a millionaire overnight! However, this also requires the highest level of quality, concept and creativity.
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