Gynecomastia is a problem that a growing number of males face to today.
Gynecomastia is often known as "man breasts" or "man boobs.
" What happens is extra fatty breast tissue accumulates on the males chest and has the appearance of female type breasts.
Most men are very self aware of this and resort to quick fix methods like pills or supplements without much success.
Some even consider surgery which can be rather expensive and unnecessary if you know the proper causes of Gynecomastia and how to beat it.
Beer can be a Contributer Many of us like to kick back with the guys and knock down a few ice cold beers after a long days work.
However, research has shown that excessive beer drinking has also been known to increase estrogen levels.
Estrogen is the female growth hormone that gives them breasts and other feminine features.
Therefore I recommend that you use caution when drinking beer and try to limit your intake to 1 or 2 beers a week.
Marijuana Use Research has also found Marijuana to be an estrogen booster as well.
So not only is it illegal, it can also be the cause of extra male breast tissue.
This is obviously a very strong reason to drop the habit if you choose to indulge in Marijuana use.
Poor Eating Habits Most of us realize what foods are good and want foods are bad for us.
But few realize the power of actually eating correctly on a daily basis.
I'll start of by saying that not eating correctly was the cause of 75 percent of increased breast fat tissue in my clients I trained.
Many of them thought they were eating right - but they weren't.
Make a conscious effort to read labels.
Finding out that eating 1 serving of cereal is 300 calories can be an eye opener when it turns out you are eating two full bowls every morning at 2 serving sizes.
Portion Control Make it a habit to check food labels every time you eat something.
You will be surprised to find out how much calories and unhealthy preservatives are contained in so-called "health" food.
You can eat the things you like - just be very perceptive about how much you eat of it.
Because a lot of labels will say something is 300 calories, but that is only for one very small serving.
Cross Training I put most of my clients on an intermediate cross training program that incorporates weight lifting and cardiovascular endurance.
When you combine these two training methods you will be able to burn away male breast fat at an alarming rate.
When you combine working out with proper diet, your results will absolutely sky rocket.
In summary Gynecomastia is not the big bad monster some people make it out to be.
Cutting out poor habits along with proper diet and workout routines you can easily defeat your chest fat problem.
Gynecomastia is often known as "man breasts" or "man boobs.
" What happens is extra fatty breast tissue accumulates on the males chest and has the appearance of female type breasts.
Most men are very self aware of this and resort to quick fix methods like pills or supplements without much success.
Some even consider surgery which can be rather expensive and unnecessary if you know the proper causes of Gynecomastia and how to beat it.
Beer can be a Contributer Many of us like to kick back with the guys and knock down a few ice cold beers after a long days work.
However, research has shown that excessive beer drinking has also been known to increase estrogen levels.
Estrogen is the female growth hormone that gives them breasts and other feminine features.
Therefore I recommend that you use caution when drinking beer and try to limit your intake to 1 or 2 beers a week.
Marijuana Use Research has also found Marijuana to be an estrogen booster as well.
So not only is it illegal, it can also be the cause of extra male breast tissue.
This is obviously a very strong reason to drop the habit if you choose to indulge in Marijuana use.
Poor Eating Habits Most of us realize what foods are good and want foods are bad for us.
But few realize the power of actually eating correctly on a daily basis.
I'll start of by saying that not eating correctly was the cause of 75 percent of increased breast fat tissue in my clients I trained.
Many of them thought they were eating right - but they weren't.
Make a conscious effort to read labels.
Finding out that eating 1 serving of cereal is 300 calories can be an eye opener when it turns out you are eating two full bowls every morning at 2 serving sizes.
Portion Control Make it a habit to check food labels every time you eat something.
You will be surprised to find out how much calories and unhealthy preservatives are contained in so-called "health" food.
You can eat the things you like - just be very perceptive about how much you eat of it.
Because a lot of labels will say something is 300 calories, but that is only for one very small serving.
Cross Training I put most of my clients on an intermediate cross training program that incorporates weight lifting and cardiovascular endurance.
When you combine these two training methods you will be able to burn away male breast fat at an alarming rate.
When you combine working out with proper diet, your results will absolutely sky rocket.
In summary Gynecomastia is not the big bad monster some people make it out to be.
Cutting out poor habits along with proper diet and workout routines you can easily defeat your chest fat problem.