Family & Relationships Sex Realted

The Dangers of Spanish Fly

Spanish fly has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac; its history of use goes back 2000 years in fact for various things including libido enhancement. However, Spanish fly has been more recently banned for use in human sexuality because of its dangers. Spanish fly is very dangerous to use for a few reasons which is why you should steer clear of it and furthermore, it is expensive, you don't know what is in it and it can even be lethal.

Spanish fly in the correct dosage can be used to increase libido, but the margin between the safe dosage and the dangerous one is incredibly narrow. Most dosing instructions don't take this into account however and give a very rough number that most people don't follow very well. This means that most people end up taking too much and risking their health in the process. When you overdose on Spanish fly, a few health problems can occur. The most notable is the fact that Spanish fly works by irritating your sensitive regions to increase sensitivity and it raises blisters. Even when you take the right dosages, you are still going to have to deal with the possibilities of itching, pain and burning. However, in the case of an overdose, you can end up with anything from burning urination, itching, and even damage to your liver and kidneys.

Spanish fly is also dangerous because it has a reputation of widespread abuse. Since it works by forcing a woman or a man to be aroused, sometimes to the point of frenzy (as reported by the very makers of the product), it is often used to seduce women in an unscrupulous manner and since most of these people are just dumping it hither and yon, it's highly unlikely that they will use the correct dosage, so you get the double risk of being drugged and then harmed by it. If there is too high a dosage, a woman can even be killed by an unscrupulous man wanting sex.

Finally, many of the products you see online aren't what is advertised in any event. Since Spanish fly is banned in many parts of the world, makers of so-called Spanish fly use nothing more than things like sugar water, herbs and spices like cayenne to create the illusion of Spanish fly with none of the effects, bad or good. Usually you end up paying quite of money for something that you could make in your own kitchen.

Spanish fly is all around one of the most dangerous and useless sexual enhancement products on the market. It's dangerous because it can have devastating effects on your body and it's useless because most of the time you're not getting it at all, but some substitute. If you want a libido enhancement product, then you should go for something like Germany sex drops for women and Gambir sarawak for men. These products are both safe and effective and affordable, so they are a far better fit than Spanish fly.
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