Insurance Renters Insurance

Saving on Home Insurance in Chicago

Chicago home insurance may seem expensive, especially in certain areas.
Whether you live in the suburbs or downtown, there are some actions you can take to lower your home owner insurance costs.
First, keep in mind that several factors affect your home insurance costs.
In Illinois, insurance companies are allowed to file their own rates based on how they underwrite according to these factors.
This means that each company could charge different rates for the same risk.
In Chicago, these factors include: Construction.
The type of materials used can affect rate.
For example, wood is more easily destroyed in a fire than masonry and thus a wood home may cost more to insure.
Within Illinois, rates are going to differ.
So Chicago home owners are going to pay a different rate than home owners in Peoria or Springfield.
What's more, within Chicago rates are going to differ by region.
So someone living in Oak Park may pay a different rate than someone living in Lincolnwood or Central Chicago.
This is typically due to the fact that there are differing loss histories for different regions based on crime, natural disasters and local building costs.
Thus a home in a high crime area will probably be rated higher than a home in a neighborhood with little crime.
The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.
Your credit history.
Some companies base risk partially on your credit history.
People with good credit ratings are considered a better risk.
Age of home.
Newer homes with newer electrical, heating and plumbing systems could cost less to insure because the likelihood of a claim is less.
So here are some ways to lower your home insurance costs.
Consider the neighborhood when buying a house.
There are some great neighborhoods in the Windy City; Get some quotes on the home you're looking at to see if there are higher costs due to the location.
Also, consider the age of the home and the materials.
A charming fixer upper may be your dream and that's okay as long as you realize your home insurance costs may be higher.
Shop around.
Because rates vary from one company to the next in Chicago, you could save a lot -- even hundreds -- by getting some comparison quotes.
Take advantage of online insurance comparison sites to get several quotes from various Chicago-area companies and agents.
Increase your deductible.
This could save you quite a bit on your premium.
Make sure you are getting all of the available discounts.
You could save by insuring your car with the same company that insures your home, installing deadbolts, smoke detectors and burglar alarms, and having updated electrical and plumbing.
When getting quotes, check what discounts are offered.
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