Voltage converters? Who needs one of those? If the packing list for your overseas trip includes things like the hair straightener you can't live without, your iPhone, your Kindle and your favorite electric shaver, there's a good chance that you do. There's also a good chance that you should also pack a few other things to make sure your trip runs smoothly.
Voltage Converters
A voltage converter changes the electrical voltage coming from the wall outlet and being fed into your battery charger, electrical appliance or personal electronics. The United States and a few other countries have different electrical standards than the U.K. and many other European countries, parts of Asia, South American and Australia. Appliance and electronic devices sold in one part of the world won't always operate properly if you try to plug them into the wall in another part of the world. A voltage converter will reduce or increase the voltage being delivered from the electrical outlet into an electrical current that your device can use. Without it, your electronics won't work at all, and there's a high likelihood that the higher voltage of electrical current will damage or destroy your devices.
There are many kinds of voltage converters on the market, and they range in price from a few dollars to more than $100. Choosing the right one requires just a little detective work on your part. You'll need to read the label or tag on your electronic devices to find out how they like their electricity, and then find a converter that delivers it in the right flavor. Most online stores that sell voltage converters will list the specifications for each of the devices that they sell.
What's the Difference Between Voltage Converters and Voltage Transformers?
In practical use, nothing. Most online electronics stores use the terms interchangeably. Their role is to deliver AC power to your electronics and electrical devices at the right voltage for them to use.
Plug Adapters
The other important electrical accessory to bring along with you is a plug adapter kit. There are no less than eight different plug configurations in use around the world. North American plugs won't fit into the outlets in most other countries because they use completely different pins and shapes for the plugs and receptacles. Plug adapters are quite inexpensive, so it makes sense to buy an entire plug adapter kit, which provides plug adapters in all the most used sizes.
Extra Batteries
If your camera or other device runs on standard batteries, bring as many as you can pack with you. Batteries are expensive overseas, especially if you're buying them in tourist towns.
Many frequent travelers recommend buying separate appliances for your traveling to avoid all the possible hassles. But if you'd prefer to go the more economical and practical route, invest in a step up and step down voltage converter transformer and a plug adapter kit to be sure you've got what you need in any situation.
Voltage Converters
A voltage converter changes the electrical voltage coming from the wall outlet and being fed into your battery charger, electrical appliance or personal electronics. The United States and a few other countries have different electrical standards than the U.K. and many other European countries, parts of Asia, South American and Australia. Appliance and electronic devices sold in one part of the world won't always operate properly if you try to plug them into the wall in another part of the world. A voltage converter will reduce or increase the voltage being delivered from the electrical outlet into an electrical current that your device can use. Without it, your electronics won't work at all, and there's a high likelihood that the higher voltage of electrical current will damage or destroy your devices.
There are many kinds of voltage converters on the market, and they range in price from a few dollars to more than $100. Choosing the right one requires just a little detective work on your part. You'll need to read the label or tag on your electronic devices to find out how they like their electricity, and then find a converter that delivers it in the right flavor. Most online stores that sell voltage converters will list the specifications for each of the devices that they sell.
What's the Difference Between Voltage Converters and Voltage Transformers?
In practical use, nothing. Most online electronics stores use the terms interchangeably. Their role is to deliver AC power to your electronics and electrical devices at the right voltage for them to use.
Plug Adapters
The other important electrical accessory to bring along with you is a plug adapter kit. There are no less than eight different plug configurations in use around the world. North American plugs won't fit into the outlets in most other countries because they use completely different pins and shapes for the plugs and receptacles. Plug adapters are quite inexpensive, so it makes sense to buy an entire plug adapter kit, which provides plug adapters in all the most used sizes.
Extra Batteries
If your camera or other device runs on standard batteries, bring as many as you can pack with you. Batteries are expensive overseas, especially if you're buying them in tourist towns.
Many frequent travelers recommend buying separate appliances for your traveling to avoid all the possible hassles. But if you'd prefer to go the more economical and practical route, invest in a step up and step down voltage converter transformer and a plug adapter kit to be sure you've got what you need in any situation.