How do you know when your spouse's friend has turned into something more? What emotional affair signs should you be on the lookout for? After reading this article you'll find that these emotional infidelity indicators are much easier to see than you think.
Hold your horses for just one second, though. Before I let you in on THAT secret, there's another that we have to go over first.
What we're going to discuss first is the reason for your husband or wife to emotionally cheat on you. If it's alright with you, I'd like to discuss exactly why emotional affairs take place.
By learning the 'why' of it, you're much more likely to understand the 'how to catch' part later. Alright? Just hang with me for a big longer and we'll dissect the reason that your wife/husband is being emotionally unfaithful...
3 Most Common Indicators in a New Emotional Affair
What about your spouse's life has made them decide to be led astray from your marriage? How exactly can you tell why your spouse wants to leave this relationship? What is it that made your husband or wife think they could do better than you?
#1. No Longer "In Love", as They Say - This is the most obvious and most powerful reason.. Somehow your wife or husband has been convinced that your marriage no longer contains the vibrance that it once did. Your spouse probably feels that every relationship that doesn't have a CONSTANT 'spark' is a failing or boring relationship, and doesn't deserve the effort needed to make it exciting once again. Thanks Mr. Media. Because of you husbands and wives everywhere feel the need to get out of perfectly healthy marriages.
#2. Close Friend has Evolved to Something More - This used to be why most people had emotional affairs, but it's become much less common as of late.. I mean come on...Most people simply don't have the will power to NOT fall in love with an opposite gendered friend.
Many times your spouse will begin to feel immense romantic feelings for a close friend. They might say to themself that they deserve a better relationship (similar to reason #1), but really it's a lack of will power... They might even go so far as to blame YOU for a crappy marriage! Don't be deceived, it's just more excuses for your spouse.
#3. Need for Drama/Boredom - It's pretty easy to tell when this is the reason for your spouse's emotional infidelity. If they're still interested in you and they love you, then this probably isn't the reason your being emotionally cheated on, however, if you feel that maybe your husband or wife has grown tired of you or of their daily routine...Then an emotional affair could be their way of keeping themselves entertained.
Why don't I go ahead and give you the rest of the reasons for emotional infidelity, so we can move on to something more exciting:
* Your wife or husband feels unnecessary
* Your spouse feels resentment for the way their life turned out
* Lack of confidence! This is a big one!
Alright, now that we've identified a few of the key reasons that men and women stray emotionally in marriage, we can begin to discuss how you're actually going to confirm your suspicions.
Hold your horses for just one second, though. Before I let you in on THAT secret, there's another that we have to go over first.
What we're going to discuss first is the reason for your husband or wife to emotionally cheat on you. If it's alright with you, I'd like to discuss exactly why emotional affairs take place.
By learning the 'why' of it, you're much more likely to understand the 'how to catch' part later. Alright? Just hang with me for a big longer and we'll dissect the reason that your wife/husband is being emotionally unfaithful...
3 Most Common Indicators in a New Emotional Affair
What about your spouse's life has made them decide to be led astray from your marriage? How exactly can you tell why your spouse wants to leave this relationship? What is it that made your husband or wife think they could do better than you?
#1. No Longer "In Love", as They Say - This is the most obvious and most powerful reason.. Somehow your wife or husband has been convinced that your marriage no longer contains the vibrance that it once did. Your spouse probably feels that every relationship that doesn't have a CONSTANT 'spark' is a failing or boring relationship, and doesn't deserve the effort needed to make it exciting once again. Thanks Mr. Media. Because of you husbands and wives everywhere feel the need to get out of perfectly healthy marriages.
#2. Close Friend has Evolved to Something More - This used to be why most people had emotional affairs, but it's become much less common as of late.. I mean come on...Most people simply don't have the will power to NOT fall in love with an opposite gendered friend.
Many times your spouse will begin to feel immense romantic feelings for a close friend. They might say to themself that they deserve a better relationship (similar to reason #1), but really it's a lack of will power... They might even go so far as to blame YOU for a crappy marriage! Don't be deceived, it's just more excuses for your spouse.
#3. Need for Drama/Boredom - It's pretty easy to tell when this is the reason for your spouse's emotional infidelity. If they're still interested in you and they love you, then this probably isn't the reason your being emotionally cheated on, however, if you feel that maybe your husband or wife has grown tired of you or of their daily routine...Then an emotional affair could be their way of keeping themselves entertained.
Why don't I go ahead and give you the rest of the reasons for emotional infidelity, so we can move on to something more exciting:
* Your wife or husband feels unnecessary
* Your spouse feels resentment for the way their life turned out
* Lack of confidence! This is a big one!
Alright, now that we've identified a few of the key reasons that men and women stray emotionally in marriage, we can begin to discuss how you're actually going to confirm your suspicions.