- Medicaid in Kansas is available to children under the age of 19, parents or legal guardians of children, pregnant women, the elderly, disabled or blind. You must be certified disabled or blind by the Social Security Administration to be considered for coverage. Legal residents who are not U.S. citizens can also apply for Medicaid. Non-citizens must supply immigration documents.
- You must fall into the low-income category based on household size to receive Medicaid. If you are pregnant or applying for Medicaid to cover an infant, you cannot earn more than 150 percent of the federal poverty level. If applying for children ages one through five, your income is limited to 133 percent of the poverty level. The restriction for children ages six through 19 is 100 percent. Medically needy individuals must not exceed 66 percent of the federal poverty level. An elderly or disabled individual cannot earn more than $903 a month, and couples cannot exceed $1,215. As of 2011, the federal poverty level is $10,830 for a household of one.
- In addition to the income requirements, Medicaid restricts the amount of assets you are allowed to own. However, not all assets are countable. Your home, vehicle and personal items are exempt. For parents or guardians of children under 19, a trust fund owned by any of the household members is the only asset counted. The resource limit for an elderly or disabled individual is $6,600. A couple is limited to $9,910 in assets.
- People with high medical expenses can also qualify for Medicaid in Kansas. If you exceed the income limit, subtract your medical bills from your income. To be classified as medically needy, the adjusted income must be low enough to meet the guidelines for eligibility. A child, parent of a child, pregnant woman, elderly or disabled individual can be declared medically needy. People in need of long-term care, such as a nursing home, often accumulate a high amount of medical debt when compared to their income.
Eligibility Groups
Income Restrictions
Resource Limits
Medically Needy