Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Breast Lift - Giving You Your Curves Back

It's the thing that makes our skin bounce back.
Don't believe it, there is the simple experiment to see how much elasticity your body has.
Stretch your hand out flat, with the other hand pinch a little of the skin on your elbow and pull down on it, forming a peak.
Then let the peak go.
The younger you are the more elasticity your skin has and the quicker the skin will go back to the way it was.
But if you're older and you've started losing some of it then you'll notice that peak of skin isn't going down as quickly as you'd like it too.
There are other areas that suffer when the elasticity starts to go.
For women that could mean sagging in areas you'd rather not think about.
If you find you're having those problems then you might consider having a breast lift.
Having a breast lift isn't as embarrassing as it sounds.
Yes that means you will be "turning back the hands of time" somewhat but isn't that what we all want? There is growing old and then is growing old without anyone realizing it.
Wouldn't you love to have someone say "You can't be that old.
You don't look it,"? While the face might age the body most, having other areas start sliding south doesn't help things one bit.
A lot of women might not mind a couple wrinkles here or there but what bothers them most about their bodies is the fact that things don't fit like they used to.
They can't pick up the cute tops and wear them anymore because they just don't look right.
A breast lift can keep you in the shirts and blouses you prefer by helping it fit more like you are custom too.
When you get a breast lift you will be losing some skin and tissue.
While many women worry that it will make them much smaller there are ways to counter act that.
If a lot of tissue is removed you will lose cup size and there is no way around it.
But if you have implants as well then you will be able to not only bring your curves back but keep them at the size, or maybe even a little bigger, that you are accustomed to.
A breast lift is a big step when it comes to regaining that sense of self we all long for.
If you choose to have this type of surgery performed then be sure it's you are doing it for you.
These types of procedures are very invasive and will change how you look.
If you are happy with the way you are then don't worry about changing one thing.
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