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Free Golf Tips - Beware of Bad Advice

If you have decided to take up golf, you are probably in search of free golf tips.
Good news! You've found them! These free golf tips are designed with every golfer in mind, and they are beneficial to anyone who reads them.
The first tip is to beware of tips! That's right.
Many well meaning golfers will offer you a great deal of advice.
What many people fail to realize is that what works for one golfer probably won't work for others.
These tips, however, are for all golfers.
Enjoy the game.
Getting mad isn't much fun.
If you aren't enjoying the game, you need to find out why, and fix the problem.
Getting upset over bad swings or problem areas won't fix anything, and it will only serve to take all of the fun out of the game.
This is a game that tests your skill and technique - but it is still a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed! Be a great sport - even if you aren't great at golf.
Be respectful to the other players.
Be still and quiet when they are taking their shots.
Don't criticize or make fun of the way they stand, shoot, or grip the club..
no matter how good you think your own game is.
Good sportsmanship is everything, and without it, you won't have any golfing companions in a very short period of time.
Golf responsibly.
Do not litter the course.
If the grass is loosened and turned when you shoot, use your foot to replace it.
Wait your turn if you come upon a group at the next tee - don't rush them.
Use caution when driving golf carts, and use caution again when you take your shots to avoid hitting houses, buildings, animals, or other golfers.
Leave the course better than you found it.
When you practice, practice at the hardest holes on the course...
don't take the easy way out, practicing only on the easy holes, thinking you are making headway - you aren't.
Practice on the hardest tees, and the hardest putts.
Put yourself in the traps, and practice getting out of them.
Imagine worst case scenarios and set them up.
This is what will make you a better golfer.
Play miniature golf, and take it more seriously - but still have fun.
Playing miniature golf is a great way to improve your putting skills.
Many seasoned golfers laugh at this suggestion - but its true! Good miniature golf courses provide really challenging obstacles that you must put through, under, around and over..
some even offer more challenges than you will ever find on your local golf course greens! Keep your eyes open for used training aids.
If they are reasonably priced - buy them! Not all training aids will help you, but unfortunately, you won't know which ones will unless you try them out first.
Get together with golfing friends and go in together to buy golfing aids that you can share.
The aids that are available on the market today will help you improve your game a great deal, in a short amount of time.
Read a lot - and play even more.
There are lots of techniques that you can learn from golfing websites, golf books, and golf magazines - but you will learn them faster out on the course! Read it once, and then go try it.
If you need to, print it out and carry it with you - but go put the theory into practice - and practice, practice, practice! You can learn the concept sitting in your living room, but you will never make that concept work for you if you don't take it out onto the course with you! If you can't get on the course, and you have some spare time and enough room, practice your swing.
You don't need a ball for this.
Consider using a training club during these times to help build strength as well.
If you take the time to practice your swing several times a day, you will find that you have a perfect swing for you in short order! If your golf game gets rained out - use the time to practice your swing, or practice your putting indoors...
but don't let that time go to waste! The best free golf tips you will ever receive will all include the word 'practice!'
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