- In the 1960s any skirt whose hemline was above the knee was considered to be a miniskirt.PhotoObjects.net/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
While mini skirts were not popular until the latter part of the 1960s there can be no doubt that the sexual revolution of the 1970s would not have happened without the attention given to the miniskirt. Mothers and fathers fought their daughters to keep them pure and miniskirts were not on the agenda. But rebellious girls found a way to wear them, and the young men of the day approved. - Panty hose have come a long way since their introduction in the 1960sMedioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
It's hard to imagine that fathers whose values were defined by the 1950s would have ever accepted the miniskirt had it not been for the invention of pantyhose -- which were then known as tights. Tights freed women of the confines of girdles and less attractive opaque stockings, giving parents a feeling that their young ladies were at least partially protected from the wind, cold, and the roaming hands of teen boys. By the end of the 1960s pantyhose came in a variety of colors and patterns. - Named after Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, the Nehru jacket was a 1960s fad men enjoyed.Creatas/Creatas/Getty Images
While women's fashion arguably changed the most during the 1960s, largely the result of women's liberation gaining a strong foothold in the culture, men had their fair share of fashion statements too. Collars got longer, polo shirts -- considered conservative by today's standards -- came into vogue. And toward the end of the 1960s largely spurned on by the Beatles, men of all ages lined up to buy a Nehru jacket. - Tie dyed clothing is still a favorite of those who loved the 1960s.Ablestock.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Toward the end of 1967 the true counter culture began to emerge, and its effect on fashion was pronounced. Rejecting fashion commonly accepted by socialites, hippies -- whose influence was larger than their proliferation -- sprang up nearly overnight. Hippie fashion included tie dye clothing, baggy clothes, long hair, beards for those could grow them, and sandals in place of traditional loafers. And tee shirts became outerwear. Although the percentage of hippies to socialites was limited, their effect on our recollection of 1960s fashion was pronounced.
Panty hose
Men's Fashion
Hippie Fashion