Family & Relationships Sex Realted

Getting Women Into Bed With You - 3 Tips to Make This Real

As guys, we all know that one of the main reasons why we get so interested in learning how to do better when it comes to dating is because we want to become good at getting women into bed. Some guys won't admit to wanting that, but I think that we all know that this really is the main drive that makes us want to learn as much as we can to do well with women.

There aren't too many guys out there who are going to get disappointed if they learn to entice women into their bedroom, right? So, if that is what you want to do, that is something that is understandable. What holds most men back from actually doing well when it comes to getting women into bed is that they end up following really bad advice or really bad instincts. Hopefully, this article will help you out so that you don't follow any bad advice or bad instincts.

Here are 3 tips to make the fantasy of getting good at getting women into bed become real for you:

1) Sexual attraction has to be a two way street.

You can't expect to be able to entice a woman into your bedroom if she is not sexually attracted to you. Funny as it may sound, most men forget that. They become attracted to a woman and they forget that what they have to do is to make her feel attracted to them. And to do that, you have to focus on what it is that makes her attracted to a man sexually. It's easy enough to figure this out if you know the right questions to ask a woman so that you get a feel for who she is and what she wants.

2) You can't expect to get women into bed if you don't practice good hygiene.

This is a really basic tip, but it is one that you definitely need to pay attention to. If you don't smell good, if you don't look the best that you can, you are going to find that it is hard to make women feel sexually attracted to you. On the other hand, if you just practice good hygiene, then it becomes a lot easier. I still get a little surprised when guys seem to forget that this stuff matters.

3) Finally, to really seduce a woman, you have to know how to build sexual tension between you and her.

In almost all instances where a guy ends up becoming just "friends" with a woman he was trying to hook up with, it comes down to the fact that he was unable to make her feel any sexual tension at all. You have to make her feel at least SOME if you are going to have a serious chance of being able to seduce her.
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