- 1). Open all windows and doors in the house for ventilation.
- 2). Place one box fan in an exterior doorway. Face the fan towards the outside of the house (this fan will suck some of the malodorous air out of the house). Place another fan in a corner of the room. Turn both fans on. The more air flow you can establish, the faster the smell will dissipate.
- 3). Dry-vacuum the carpet several times. You may do this at the same time the fans are going. If the fans and vacuum have not diminished the smell sufficiently, move on to the next step.
- 4). Rent or purchase a carpet steam cleaner. Turn off the fans and unplug them (to avoid accidental electric shock). Thoroughly steam clean the carpet.
- 5). Plug the fans back in and turn them on to re-establish ventilation. This will help dry the carpet quickly as well as dissipate remaining odor.